@skinnylatte@hachyderm.io wow that sounds pretty great, my favorite wings are the ones at cybelle's front room, they are the only ones I know of who use the vegan meats from may wah or whatever it's called now, lily's maybe?
@skinnylatte@hachyderm.io anyway I still have not made it down there but soon. I would have gone today but it looks like they are closed on sundays, it's hard to tell though, maybe I will just go walk around in hayes valley
@skinnylatte@hachyderm.io I don't know if I have noticed you using the definite article when talking about freeways before, I always thought that was a los angeles thing
@skinnylatte@hachyderm.io years ago Phillip from Red Blossom broke off and started Song, near Japantown. Have you been there? it's more serveware but they have some schmancy teas too
@skinnylatte@hachyderm.io@eco_amandine@mastodon.cr there is this impulse that some people have to modify menu items no matter what, often even before trying something for the first time. we use to get them at my shop, I'm like if you think you need to tweak something before you even try it, why are you even here?
anyway I am 100% behind restaurants that are like no, this is how it comes, take it or leave it
@skinnylatte@hachyderm.io I get it, spicy by default is normal here too, even if it's just throwing crushed red pepper in to things. the one exception might be the flamin hot mountain dew I tried, I don't think the world is ready
@skinnylatte@hachyderm.io@emma@orbital.horse yes, right near where we met briefly, I wasn't sure if they were your cup of tea but I don't think I have any clue what that is, musically
@tek@freeradical.zone I will say for the record that I appreciate your transparency here, and I am probably/possibly more hardline than most. but yeah if you open that can of worms I don't want anything to do with it
@tek@freeradical.zone I think Ro makes some good points wrt people being attracted to bluesky for different reasons, and I certainly don't begrudge them those spaces. but they are also not trying to bring it here into my feed