@eribosot I have half a bottle you can have. I've not opened it for several years. But it's so sugary I don't know if I can in fact open it, with all the dry sugar in the cap. For the crepes, if you find any similar stuff that's cheaper, it'll taste the same. There are so many competing citrus flavours in crepe suzettes. But.. of course it doesn't look the same if you use Tesco brand at the table.
@eribosot As in "individual plates for the people eating", opposed to a serving platter. If you have 4 people eating, use 4 plates. But reading it your way is more fun, definitely.
@aral made a good case almost 8 years ago that we should use the word muslimophobia instead of islamophobia. I'll remember it from now on. https://ar.al/notes/islam-is-privilege/
Studies the 14th Book of Bokonon in the Autumn years of the Anthropocene. Evolutionary biologist by training, armchair-omnologist by vocation.Not actually king of the Sāka.Professionally committed to increasing the noise/signal ratio on the internet since 1998.