For what it is worth, camelia sinensis (the tea plant) can be grown indoors, or outside in some growing zones. It is a white flowering camelia... and there are 2 on my deck :D
@NYbill For the past few years, for similar reasons, I've been conditioning myself to switch to tea by drinking weaker and weaker coffee.
Now I have the excellent gardening challenge of propagating camelias. /me wants to grow a years worth of tea per year. Brewing a years worth of beer is still a challenge :)
@tpheine There is a machine at my place that handles most of those types of network interactions.
The machine is running a simple server that has an HTTP API that will provide a list of available scripts that can be run, and will allow the user to schedule those scripts to be run at certain times.
For example, there is a script called "Set-7AM-Wakeup-Coffee" and running that script will send the API commands to: 1. set the 'Coffee-On' script to run at 6:15 AM 2. run the 'Set-7-AM-Wakeup' immediately, and that script will send the commands to: 1. update the podcast on my media player at 6:15AM 2. fade the lights on at 7am 3. start streaming KMFA Classical Radio at 7am
For the big red button, I could make a script called "big-red-button" that does a lot of things, and when the button is pressed, a single command would be sent to run the script 'big-red-button'.
That being said, I found another button so now I have 2 buttons to deal with. :)
Embed this noticejezra ('s status on Friday, 06-Sep-2024 04:24:53 JST
jezraFor the past 4 years, I have been wearing the same pair of glasses as my "get shit done" glasses. For the most part 'get shit done' means doing anything outside my home. Wood working, welding, feeding the chickens, driving to town, visiting a lake, and a variety of other activities all happen with my 'get shit done' specs.
A month ago, I purchased prescription glasses specifically for working on a computer on a desk. While they are great for seeing the monitor, and keyboard, they are shit for anything else and can't be used to 'get shit done'.
Now I have a replacement to 'get shit down': prescription safety glasses!
I consider myself incredibly fortunate to live in a time where prescription eye wear is so readily available, and I am privileged to be able to afford multiple sets of eye wear.
@morph@brooklynsoc a tomato is a nightshade, but a nightshade is not necessarily a tomato; and being a nightshade doesn't necessarily mean something is toxic.