Some 10% of men are "colour blind" in some form, most often red or green insensitive. Did you know that #GIMP has a display filter to simulate #colour#vision deficiency? It is a big help for #design .
Go to the View menu, pick "Display Filters", then add the "Colour Deficient Vision" filter. #Accessibility
@molly0xfff If they offered direct transfer, you could keep your money in the HYSA until the due date of your Amex balance, then pay the balance. Where's the profit in that for Amex? They make money when you pay late.
While it's free to read and listen, Molly lives off subscriptions. So I recently took out a second subscription to her newsletter, because I like the #audio version so much. #CitationNeeded#journalism#PayWhatYouWant
Israel wasn't clever. They relied too much on their electronic wall; so when the Hamas turned off the data connections, Israeli defence was blind and deaf. Then Hamas went to kill over 1000 civilians and some 300 soldiers.
Everybody else knows that the first thing to target in a war is the enemy's communications and energy supply.
Now Israel is learning that from Hamas. An expensive lesson.
Tech journalist, jurist, squash player.Reporting from North America for rights reserved. SearchablePS: It's THE Yukon, cheechako.