@inthehands Agreed. Let’s stipulate that the truck bomb doesn’t count. The CT is 1 per 10k. The Pinto is reportedly 1 per 100k. That’s my 1 oom. 1 per 400k for all vehicles is another .5 oom.
@inthehands that’s what I’m missing. It’s just car fire fatalities? 2 events is not enough for 4 significant digits, but 10 per 100k is a full oom greater than 1.
@inthehands Simpler: While the rule of law has never applied equally to the rich, the illusion that it does has been lifted. So many people who have been or should be in prison are being gifted direct access to power. It changes how we process expectations of justice. More people are thinking, “the only justice this person will ever see must come from me.”
@inthehands The word you’re looking for is incompetence. Never assume malice when incompetence is an available explanation. Quality survey construction is far more difficult and time consuming than most people imagine, and few can do it well. As others have noted, the poor survey wording likely arises out of student inexperience, and also student failure to use survey construction resources.
@inthehands I don’t fully accept the premise that we have fallen into a hole. Compared to 30 or even 15 years ago, USians at large are more likely to believe that Black Lives Matter, that transgender people are human, and the same sex relationships should be honored and celebrated. Following the metaphor, we’re halfway out of the hole. Some are scared of what’s on the outside and seek out beliefs and leaders that promise to bring us back to where we were.
@inthehands we once had escaped horses that were eventually secured and everyone who assisted in the effort knew order had been restored except the local sheriff who had been dispatched after the matter was resolved. Communicating that a crisis is over can be tricky.
@inthehands One can suppose that the scope of the search extended through informal channels enough that it made sense to blast a found message to everyone nearby even if they weren’t involved in the search.
I’m not convinced Twitter actually deleted any of my data when I asked them to. At best it’s in a database with deleted = 1 flagged. I attempted to unlike every post I ever liked on Twitter before deleting. But I was limited to unliking the most recent X posts I had ever liked. Which means after I removed the like, Twitter still had a record that I had at some time liked that post.