my daughter's school sent out a message that due to teachers having trouble getting to school with the snow still on the roads, school won't opening until 11:00
then sent another message that the school bus won't be operating today.
cool cool cool
so, instead of sending one vehicle with a professional driver, why don't we send seventy with stressed out drivers instead? #mastodaoine
people who aren't immigrants: I don't know what your problem is here! i got on just fine, forty+ years ago when i was born into the culture and climate abs was able to immerse myself naturally while growing up, at a time when the government wasn't trying to overtly kill off all people to poor to afford land and a house and instead only tried to do that to travelling communities
someone set the alarm clock in kiddo's room for (a sensible time, tho not necessarily sensible for a Sunday). so naturally, I'm the only one in the house who's woken up by that.
explained to my elderly neighbour that moss and lichen eat rock and shit earth, so putting weed killer on it is kinda counter productive in a place where you can hardly dig five centimeters before hitting rock
you ever just realized how something you've done is over ten years ago and then something else, something you still vividly remember, is twenty years ago?
and then suddenly, you notice: I'm old. (and you are probably too)
expert cat lady. amateur dog lady. transparent. biwitched. the 💜 life of @meena"The blood of the coven is thicker than the water of the womb."(everything i write is CC BY-NC-SA)Just my toots: