One Night Stand is a visual novel video game developed by Kinmoku. Players take the role of a man who wakes up from a drunken one-night stand beside a stranger and must piece together the events of the previous night. It was based on a free game Kinmoku wrote for a game jam at One Night Stand was released for PC in 2016, and Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One in 2019.
Players take the role of a man who has just woken up beside a woman in her apartment. Despite not remembering the events of the previous night, the player learns their character has had sex with the woman. When the woman leaves the room, the player has the opportunity to look around, then question the woman about the various objects found. Based on the player's actions and dialogue choices, they can unlock many different endings, ranging from being angrily kicked out to the possibility of friendship. In the most recent update, there is an ending of her playing the guitar and becoming more than friends with the character.
One Night Stand is independent video game developer...