I now have a full month of data to do comparisons with, and wow the before and after heat pump difference is striking. I could leave my microwave running on high 24/7 and still only be using as much power as I was in December.
2029: GitHub introduces a super intelligent AI with a reward function tied to code quality
2030: global revolution after the AI manipulates news, markets, and the contents of everyone’s GitHub repos to achieve its goal of removing time-to-market pressure
@skinnylatte fwiw I first discovered Tartine at a party where I hadn’t been told what it was, so I think this is really just a case of different people enjoying different things
@inthehands it's *surprisingly* hard to get it to stop doing it for return values from @\objc methods!
I've even resorted to lying about the return type and returning an Unmanaged<Foo> instead, since ObjC doesn't care as long as the representation is just a pointer.
Not aware of any situations where it will other than that one though.
This makes me feel old, but lately I've been seeing misunderstandings about what autorelease actually is in objc/swift. "It's a GC", "it's weird magic", "it's a batch allocator", etc…
Autorelease is just an array. You (or, 99% of the time, SDK methods you're calling) manually put things into the array by calling `autorelease` on them, and then when you reach the closing brace of the autoreleasepool {} block, it calls `release` on anything that was added.
In hindsight the single best feature of the Pentium 4 was having horrible x87 performance. If it weren’t for that, the world would probably still be saddled with the dang thing being relevant.
@skinnylatte reminds me of reading the yelp reviews for Slanted Door and seeing people baffled and angry that a Vietnamese place is upscale/expensive. Bizarre mindset >.<
There’s these young women on the bus with what looks like some sort of religious outfits, and an old man just went up to them and said “he is here now” in a very intense quiet voice, then got off the bus. Now they’re chanting in unison and it’s echoing oddly.
If demons get me, I didn’t know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve.