This take seems to confuse the top 1% of income globally—more than seventy million people—with the top 1% in the richest countries. If you’re above the US median, you’re probably in the global 1%.
If the “everybody else” we must live like is something like the global income average, that’s way below poverty in the US. What we think of as an ordinary dignified working class lifestyle (in the developed West) would be ruled out by this particular limit.
We can’t get out of the climate crisis by expropriating the rich, or what we think of in the developed west as the rich, because the “sustainability” threshold is way, way down the wealth and income ladder. Eliminate the personal carbon emissions of everyone making more than a million a year and I doubt you’d be able to detect the dip.
The scale of demand destruction that will have to happen to keep the planet habitable will ruin the way of life of most people, if it doesn’t just kill them.
@zorinlynx I’d been doing it for years and never got a ticket, even though it was always illegal, as I have discovered.
Nashville cops are not big on traffic enforcement. They’re understaffed and mad at the city, so I think they quit writing traffic tickets almost entirely a few years ago. That’s the story, anyway. Turns out the world kept going just fine.
In chapter eight of Wodehouse’s “the Code of the Woosters”, when Stiffie Byng sets up a meeting for twelve ‘pip emma’, it’s clear she means midnight—it should have been twelve ‘ack emma’.
Unless in England, or in England of the past, midnight is twelve p.m.
Gen X Jewish Midwesterner in the exurban Southern U.S.Philosophy PhD: Transcendental Marxist; Scientific utopian; Virtue Kantian; Left StraussianOur battle-cry must be: the Permanent General StrikeSoccer, cooking, plants bugs & birds, the ruthless criticism of everything existing, and my own defective psyche (ADHD, depression, anxiety)Cats"And so he goes forth: a clamless shell—a man of straw—a house untenanted—a futile, motile void"—Krazy Kat(mute #FediFC to miss my soccer posts)