Hilf uns, Druck auf Markus #Söder und Hubert #Aiwanger aufzubauen! Klammheimlich kassieren sie Bayerns Klimaziele ein. Und das, obwohl wir erst kürzlich mit Hochwasser zu kämpfen hatten, die Welt so viel CO2 ausstößt wie noch nie und Los Angeles in Flammen versinkt.
Unterschreib jetzt unsere Petition und erzähl gerne auch deinen Leuten davon.
Es sieht so aus, als hätte es mein Foto in alle Zeitungen geschafft, allerdings nicht das, das ich am Freitag mit eingefrorenen Fingern gepostet habe, sondern dieses.
Mein Service für alle Journalist:innen im Fediverse: Ihr dürft das gerne mit Namensnennung verwenden. Alle anderen können mir weiterhin E-Mails schreiben.
dpa hat mich übrigens gleich vor eine Herausforderung gestellt:
"Bitte bestätigen Sie uns dabei auch ausdrücklich, dass an den Bildern keinerlei Bildmanipulationen vorgenommen wurden und dass es sich nicht um Bildmaterial handelt, dass mittels eines Bildgenerators oder anderer Systeme unter Einsatz von künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) erzeugt wurde."
Was sagt man da, wenn man das Bild mit einem modernen Smartphone aufgenommen hat?
Ich habe vor, eine Einführung in Mastodon für Bundestagskandidaten zu schreiben. Habt ihr Tipps, die ich unbedingt aufnehmen sollte? Sowohl speziell für Politiker als auch allgemein.
@dansup talking about photo/picture-centric: what are your plans for pixelfed.art? Is it still a project, that you pursue? And will it get videos and stories at some point or will it stay picture-only?
@mekkaokereke I just checked ECE R43 (that's the EU regulation concerning the approval of safety glazing materials and their installation on vehicles) and laminated glass seems to be legal for side windows.
But most car manufactures don't think throwing metal balls at their cars is a good sales pitch and just don't use it.
@mekkaokereke that's crazy! I'm pretty sure (I don't know the name of the regulation, so I didn't double check), that in the EU laminated glass is mandatory for the windscreen and tempered glass for all side windows.
So for the EU versions of their cars (not the Cybertruck, which won't get an EU admission for a multitude of reasons anyway) they would have to do this differently anyway.
@mekkaokereke it's definitely the starter packs; what made my experience here on Mastodon great from the start was that I imported lists of dozens of accounts of people I didn't know, but who were posting about topics that I was interested in.
I figured I'll get to know them eventually and can always unfollow. I effectively built my own starter pack and it was a blaze.
Mastodon started to be fun, as soon as I followed about 300 people and most new users never get to that.
Have you ever wondered what it means when you get an email that is encrypted but not signed? At the very least, it's better than being completely unencrypted, isn't it?
It turns out that's not necessarily the case. I've looked at S/MIME and found that it is possible to construct messages that, when sent to multiple recipients, are decrypted into completely different messages:
@GossiTheDog isn't the idea of giving employees shares to make them more invested in the success of the company? They should have given you at least $5!
@rooster Giving up on politics is handing over power to those who want to dismantle democracy. Build communities, but use them to give people hope that not all is lost and encourage them to keep fighting.
Trump may go unpunished, but that doesn't mean he will seize power, and that the Constitution can't be amended to prevent this from repeating in the future.