And another fascist sat and watched Fox News all day. A different fascist spent all day in the New York Times comment section bitching about trans people or Kendrick Lamar. I'm not building my praxis based on the actions of dipshits and reactionaries.
I'm going to take a nap instead. And when I'm feeling refreshed I'm going to join an org or do mutual aid or reach out to my neighbors or donate resources or read or paint or whatever the fuck I want to and am able to do, and not waste time imitating fuckheads in a cult.
A bit of unasked-for advice: if you're going to exercise, do it because you want to and do it for yourself. Not because someone else tells you to. Not because you're afraid of fat hate. Not to try and increase your desirability. Not because someone told you that fascists work out so you should too.
If you're going to work out etc, just do it for you.
All the cardio in the world won't bring about the revolution. Your individual "fitness" and "health" (both extremely fraught and ableist ideals) matter so, so much less than community and organizing. Individualism has poisoned us all into thinking that unless we embrace body fascism individually, we won't be "strong" enough to resist.
This is, to put it bluntly, a bunch of horseshit. The true power of humanity is cooperation. The true power of the working class is collectivism. Hollywood has convinced us that lone superhuman figures, the smartest and fastest and strongest, are our salvation and that is all propaganda and nonsense. Showing up for each other is the real superpower.
There are some great points in the piece and validity around praxis: as a longtime activist, I've organised in squatted buildings, protested fascists, been chased by cops for demonstrating against the G8 and G20, marched against the invasion of Iraq on February 15th, 2003, organised antiracism gigs, participated in mutual aid, and yes, I recognise the value of these actions. Social media has often played its part in raising awareness of such campaigns, as evidenced - from Occupy to the Arab Spring - and many of us have since those times realised these online networks must also reflect our anti-capitalism and anti-centralisation principles. This doesn't mean the Fediverse is the end goal, just another tool in organising, yes, but there is a risk of ableism (exacerbated by Covid-era UK "antifascists" largely following fascist government rhetoric about the pandemic, and failing to continue to mask and retain other inclusive precautions in organising in-person) in the "touch grass" narratives that said article and similar articles perpetuate, dismissive of the role information dissemination and online organising can still play in the fight against fascism.
selling off of public lands, buildings and utilities was cranked up under La Junta. it’s why PRicans have less access to electricity and potable water with the privatized utilities than when they were public.
of course, with the privatization of utilities, came the knee-capping of the largest labor unions en La Isla. that has had a ripple effect not just in skilled jobs in engineering, but even in “good jobs” in health care.
but Timothy Geithner is now worried about democracy… 🧵
@Sharksonaplane "they both won" tell me you're a fucking culture vulture without telling me lmao
Appropriators like him are always so transparent and so fucking obvious with how they never take the time to truly engage with and understand the cultures they try to mimick. He's like a stereotype of a white gay who always says that he has a Black woman inside him like damn we're really checking all the boxes huh?
@Aaidanbird glad I could be helpful, hate that something so blatantly harmful has just been tossed around flagrantly for months. Hopefully one day someone will get through to her and in the meantime folks are able to protect themselves from her nastiness
Growth as a goal for societies is basically brand new.
"Historians and social scientists have sought to explain the origins of the political hegemony of growth: the dominance of the pursuit of GDP growth as a political objective. Growth might not be an economic imperative in the abstract, this literature suggests, but rather a political imperative, locked in by power relations, institutions, and accounting systems geared towards its pursuit. The contemporary preoccupation with GDP first emerged as a response to the need of governments to manage economic production during the Great Depression and the Second World War, whereas growth-targeting became entrenched during the Cold War, linked to the arms race between the two blocs. An iterative process between accounting and targeting, and the institutions geared towards the measurement and pursuit of GDP, gradually made growth appear as a natural and unquestionable objective. But the success of growth, as a political objective, stems from its function, which was to appease and deflect distributional conflict, becoming a core factor of state legitimacy and political stability."
Btw basically every sentence in this has citations, in case you want to read MORE. I'm taking the citation numbers out to make for easier reading.
Black, nonbinary, 33, some flavor of neurodivergent.Education and mental health M.A.Solidarity with all oppressed peoples. Death to US Empire.Admin of blackqueer.lifeI mute vote shamers.#BlackMastodon #BlackFediverse #BlackFedi #BlackQueer #QTPOC #WoT