So since #Github has decided to break their website with the latest website once you disable #JavaScript, it's worthwhile revisiting gh-cli. At first it baffles me how gh-cli can be an 80MB installable for what I hoped was a thin REST client ...
... until you realise that visiting a Github repo downloads 6.5MB of JavaScript. Then to visit the issues page it's another 10.5MB. Then to read a single issue it's 7.5MB. JUST JAVASCRIPT. Nothing else. Per page.
#Github latest UI update means that it's now completely impossible to reply to issues on a browser with #JavaScript disabled. Why? Has anybody got an alternative interface to Github they can recommend?
@paulshryock let's also encourage people to start testing their websites with text browsers again and building sites that work without JS (which is an optional enhancement).
In my entire experience of using a phone to browse websites, websites have been clunky and slow. 10 years ago, websites lagged. Now, they still lag. Why do web devs insist in continuously cramming in more bloat to deliver the same simple content they delivered a decade ago?
@alcinnz indeed - the only advantage of an online server is access over the internet. Pretty nice when sometimes I'm on my phone and I want to access a document from my home computer.
@aral I might add a little bit of nuance to this. A person isn't a company, and a company isn't a person. Big companies have pockets of people doing both good and bad things for both good and bad reasons. The bigger company, the bigger the potential for both the successes and mistakes. When multiple companies collaborate, more so.