Notices by eisai (, page 2
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@p @Grandtheftautism @11112011 @FreedoingVlad @Senator_Armstrong @animeirl @dicey @icedquinn > Yeah, I think if you have the link, it's better to post it anyway. It sometimes means you don't have to explain it if you're talking to someone clever enough to click a link and read it, and if they don't do that...why talk to them?
Because there’s that thing called LANGUAGE BARRIER. Posting the link that other side simply cannot read is simply futile. Add to this, that the English speaking folks tend to think that every piece that is worth reading should already be present in their language is sometimes infuriating. No guys, there’s a fence, and you need to find loose bars in it, if you want fruits from that garden.
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@p @11112011 @FreedoingVlad @Grandtheftautism @Senator_Armstrong @animeirl @dicey @icedquinn Kind sirs, after double checking the previous post, I must inform you of two mistakes. (They’re relatively minor in comparison to the subject, and you may skip reading here. But don’t say later, that you didn’t know.)
First is related to the case of Hans Schlitte: he himself wasn’t executed, a deeper source referring to Monumenta Livoniæ a antiquæ, Bd. 5 mentions an artisan also named Hans, who, three years after their party was left to their own devices after Schlitte was jailed, made an attempt to cross Livonia with some friends, but they were caught at the border in Schwaneberg. He managed to escape from the jail, but the note about him was sent to the border town of Marienburg, where he was captured. He was sent back to Schwaneberg, where they cut his head off.
Schlitte left reichstag in 1548, with letters from Karl V, but Livonians (then part of HRE) caught them and portrayed the situation to the emperor as if Schlitte was leading mercenaries (and not artisans) from the empire to Russia. There were some chemists and weaponry masters too, but most in that mottle bunch were ordinary people like carpenters, stone workers, glass and paper makers, doctors, translators, theologists, one gardener, one map maker, one smith, one book binder and such. The Livonians feared, that those people will empower Russia and this will eventually hurt Livonia, then part of Holy Roman Empire. These concerns, attached to the news about “mercs” were sent to Karl V, who in 1549 ordered to never let any people pass to Muscovy. The old letters and passage documents given to Schlitte meant little to Livonians even earlier, and now their power was nullified.
The second mistake is my blunder, the case with Antony Marsh occurred during the reign of tzar Feodor, I’ve read too much into the text, and assumed Godunov was the ruler, assuming that he spoke on such an important matter, but he was simply a very powerful person (being the brother to wife of the tzar). Godunov was among those who gave money to Marsh, so it’s understandable, why he would insist on taking this matter closely.
That’s why I hate retelling stuff – when you cite you don’t have to deal with this kind of mistakes.
Asobi Asobase - 07 [BD 1080p x264 FLAC] 00:03:27.457.jpg
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@FreedoingVlad @11112011 @Grandtheftautism @Senator_Armstrong @animeirl @dicey @icedquinn @p Eh. Yes, I was mistaken about the source. I remember it was something from the time there was war in Ossetia, but this and the summit was only tangentially related. The real source was a news article citing W. J. Burns’s book “The Back Channel” (2019). (Burns was the ambassador to Russia in 2005–2008, then assistant secretary of state, and several years later appointed as the head of CIA, – which event the article was highliting.)
And by the way, if you don’t want to work hard, just ask for the source right away. I’ve long stopped to write longposts with references, because no one seems to need them here. 99% of people read 600×400 screencaps with news headlines, without date or URL on them and are happy with that. But true, this time the blame’s on me. The relevant excerpt from the book is below:
> Putin's view of relations with the United States was infused with suspicion, but early on he tested with President Bush a form of partnership suited to his view of Russia's interests. He was the first foreign leader to call Bush after 9/11, and saw an opening through which Russia could become a partner in the Global War on Terrorism. He thought the war on terror would give Russia a better frame in which to operate than the "new world order" that had dominated U.S. policy since the end of the Cold War. The implicit terms of the deal Putin sought included a common front against terrorism, with Russia backing the United States against al-Qaeda and the Taliban in Afghanistan, and Washington backing Moscow's tough tactics against Chechen rebels. Moreover, the United States would grant Russia special influence in the former Soviet Union, with no encroachment by NATO beyond the Baltics, and no interference in Russia's domestic politics. Putin quickly set out to show that he could deliver on his end of the presumed bargain. In the face of considerable misgivings from his own military and security services, he facilitated U.S. military access and transit to Afghanistan through the Central Asian states. As Putin quickly learned, however, this kind of transaction was never in the cards.
GIRLS' FRONTLINE HEALING CHAPTER SEASON 2 - Episode 11 00:03:01.125.jpg
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@Grandtheftautism @11112011 @Senator_Armstrong @dicey @icedquinn @p Feels like home.
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@FreedoingVlad @p @11112011 @Grandtheftautism @Senator_Armstrong @animeirl @dicey @icedquinn
> Of course Russia knew NATO would say "no". They just wanted to play that game.
You think too highly of Russian higher-ups. They’re truly lazy people and all they wanted since Putin came to power was to “get into the club” with first-world capitalists. They were buying entire buildings across Europe and France just for themselves (for the government on paper) to rest, to eat and whatever else the rich do when they don’t do their job. But that’s only the foreword, the tale is in 2008 Russia–NATO summit in Bucharest Putin proposed a coalition to Bush & co. to fight world terrorism. He thought that the world terrorism wasn’t instigated by U.S. and its fellows, he thought that there can be a “superhero club” where Russia could be a member with those Western countries. He seriously believed that.
GIRLS' FRONTLINE HEALING CHAPTER SEASON 2 - Episode 9 00:03:55.167-1.png
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@Senator_Armstrong @dicey @11112011 @Grandtheftautism @icedquinn @p
> Russians are one of the most aggressive imperialists on the planet.
I sense the presence of someone from THE BUTTHURT BELT OF RUSSIA
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@lina dem_dorfs_man.jpg
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@wan @CatLord > pros still come and do effortposting on this god forsaken place
[Coalgirls]_Seiken_no_Blacksmith_10_(1920x1080_Blu-Ray_FLAC)_[4651BD15] 00:19:24.872–00:19:28.125.webm
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@lamp It may be because the browser (or OS driver) relies on hardware decoding. Switching to software may or may not help, if the CPU is weak.
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@lamp Then either it’s software that’s too old, or I dunno.
> if that means anything
Hm, nothing except that it’s really old.
[Vawn] Seitokai Yakuindomo - 17 [DVD.576p] [9EE9D8B1]_0576.png
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@lina @Kerosene Ну а я спать пойду, у меня режим дня поехавший. Морально с вами и всё такое…
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@lina @Kerosene Осада прошла успешно?
[Datte13] Yuyushiki - S01E08 - We're In Our Second Year Now 00:09:57.722.jpg
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@lina @Kerosene А я балкон застеклил. Но даже с самой мелкой щелью из неё уже щас свистит так, что без куртки пизда плечам. Так что да, гуляй, Рююко, пока асфальт чёрный.
[SallySubs] Black Bullet - 09 [BD 1080p FLAC] [E656300C] 00:08:20.000-1.jpg
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@lina @Kerosene Время душных историй.
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@lina @Kerosene С закрытыми окнами сидишь небось? Я щёлочку бо́льшую часть дня оставляю, куртку на плечи и норм.
Без вентиляции-то никуда: от избытка CO₂ реально задыхаешься, засыпаешь и дуреешь, поэтому свежий воздух должен постоянно откуда-то идти. В наших широтах нужны форточки, но в сраных европах, где проектируют окна, про форточки не знают. Там рассчитывают, что в доме есть отдельная, приточная вентиляция. В наших старых домах (до приб. 1982) её нет, в новых её ходы таджики закупоривают блоками, мусором, перекрывают отделкой. Если есть деньги и мастера, то фасадную стену можно рассверлить (несущими они бывают редко) и вставить приточный клапан. Когда вентиляции нет, то выйти подышать оно конечно лучше, чем сидеть в консервной банке, но помогает ровно настолько, насколько долго ты находишься на улице. В самую лютую зиму лучше на часик открыть окно пошире, а самому съебаться на кухню, например. И так с утра и на ночь. В духоте спать невозможно и потом синяки под глазами. Рос с предками, которые конопатили окна на зиму, помню, что это такое. И с каким счастьем отрывал бумагу с окон весной, чтоб задышать наконец нормально дома.
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@lina I mean after it’s over you’ll need your kancolle pillow to get across the streets.
no nut nvb.png
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@Kerosene @lina С-сука…
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@lina You should, while no-nut November is not over yet.
[Polarwindz] Majo No Tabitabi - 02 [BD 1080p x265 10bit Opus 2.0][34B22EA0] 00:15:51.082-1.jpg
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@menherahair @lina humu humu
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