@litui Whoa. Interesting! I know as long as we live on this orb and benefiting from sunlight it is probably hard to eliminate time difference...but come on, some quantum physics or whatever people might be able to figure something out in, like 100 years?!?
@xabean I offer Brené Brown Book club to Japanese people. We read the books in English but discussion is in Japanese. We learn about embracing vulnerability, courage, shame resilience - all the things I find general public in Japan lacks....
I feel stupid and silly to have made this stupid mistake, but this is exactly what we are learning in the book club - when we feel shame, don't hide it or internalize it, but share with people. Be vulnerable. So there you go. I made a silly mistake. But I'm human and I'm not an idiot even though I almost felt like one. #shame#brenerown#ShameResilience
I just made a massive silly mistake - I offer book club at 6pm PST, and last week I told everyone those of us in N. America the start time will move 1 hour late and those in Japan the time will stay the same. It's the OPPOSITE. My Japanese book club members contacted me saying "It's 10am here, is the book club on?" and I realized my mistake. Ugh. I hate daylight saving and I hate international time difference more. I always wish someone invented some sort of magic to erase time difference.
Serious question. How can I be a more eloquent writer? English is my second language; I can speak/write well but in creative writing I hate how my writings sound like a child ? Too simple.
Japanese #CulturalConsultant in Film&TV #Writer #Film Sentiment Analyst #Interpreter Podcaster #Feminist #Watercolor artist. #Arts advocate. She/her. Admin at Japanese Canadian Artists DirectoryI host Brené Brown Book Club to encourage people to live courageously. #FountainPen aficionado. I post in English/Japanese. Interested in changing culture.#カナダ 在住ライター #文化コンサルタント #通訳 #ポッドキャスト「はみだし系ライフの歩き方」プロデューサー。ブレネー・ブラウンブッククラブ主宰 社会を変えたいひと #万年筆 好き#BreneBrown#Podcast#Murderino#ブレネーブラウン#映画