@pica_pica それ!
Notices by Rachel Thorn (rachel_thorn@queer.party)
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Rachel Thorn (rachel_thorn@queer.party)'s status on Tuesday, 04-Apr-2023 15:57:36 JST Rachel Thorn
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Rachel Thorn (rachel_thorn@queer.party)'s status on Monday, 20-Mar-2023 21:36:11 JST Rachel Thorn
One of the cleverest ways the capitalists who destroy the environment distract us is by promoting a narrative of individuals "doing their part" and "pitching in," which predictably leads to us yelling at each other over things that amount to less than a drop in the ocean while corporations continue on pouring more carbon into the atmosphere than millions of individuals ever could.
They brilliantly coopted Earth Day in this manner, brainwashing children into fretting about how much time they spend in the shower rather than taking direct action against corporations. -
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Rachel Thorn (rachel_thorn@queer.party)'s status on Saturday, 18-Mar-2023 14:10:42 JST Rachel Thorn
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Rachel Thorn (rachel_thorn@queer.party)'s status on Sunday, 05-Mar-2023 22:58:33 JST Rachel Thorn
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Rachel Thorn (rachel_thorn@queer.party)'s status on Sunday, 05-Mar-2023 16:29:14 JST Rachel Thorn
@seina_55 @yukari 私が教える「性と日本マンガ」という授業、最後の回はいつも長年日本のマンガ業界にいらした三河かおり先生と業界内のセクハラ・性差別について対談をするけど、最終目的は男性学生に「普通に社会人をやってると自然と男尊女卑クソジジになってしまうから、今から意識的にあんな男社会に染まらないよう気をつけるんだよ!」というメッセージを伝えること。女性学生は今性差別の認識がなくても、そのうち嫌でも実感するけど、男子はスタートが悪くなくてもいつの間にか染まってしまうんだよね。アメリカの人種差別と同じで「老人が死んでいけば自然と無くなる」なんて甘いもんじゃありません。再生産されちゃう。
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Rachel Thorn (rachel_thorn@queer.party)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 07:55:23 JST Rachel Thorn
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Rachel Thorn (rachel_thorn@queer.party)'s status on Tuesday, 14-Feb-2023 22:13:43 JST Rachel Thorn
Stating the obvious here, but the MastoArt hashtag is really a mixed bag, innit?
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Rachel Thorn (rachel_thorn@queer.party)'s status on Saturday, 04-Feb-2023 10:22:22 JST Rachel Thorn
@kankichi それな。
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Rachel Thorn (rachel_thorn@queer.party)'s status on Tuesday, 24-Jan-2023 07:58:18 JST Rachel Thorn
I wish I could get my partner to understand how much I really do not want to visit the U.S. any time soon. She feels it's important for our young daughter to see her U.S.ian family, and that's true, but maybe it's also important that she not be gunned down for being Asian or losing her transgender Mommy to a transphobe terrorist. I think my partner thinks I am exaggerating.
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Rachel Thorn (rachel_thorn@queer.party)'s status on Tuesday, 17-Jan-2023 12:00:40 JST Rachel Thorn
@marizo 虹のフモトを見つけたのね!金が入っている壺ありましたか?!
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Rachel Thorn (rachel_thorn@queer.party)'s status on Sunday, 15-Jan-2023 14:26:57 JST Rachel Thorn
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Rachel Thorn (rachel_thorn@queer.party)'s status on Thursday, 12-Jan-2023 18:47:52 JST Rachel Thorn
There is plenty to criticize about Mastodon (the biggest being the centering of whiteness and white user's feelings and comfort), but I draw the line at demanding virality (which would require an algorithm). A thread was boosted by someone I follow that consisted mostly of insults towards anyone who would be stupid enough to use Mastodon (I paraphrase), and it included anger at the lack of virality. I think, for one, people addicted to algorithms overestimate the "effectiveness" of virality.
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Rachel Thorn (rachel_thorn@queer.party)'s status on Tuesday, 10-Jan-2023 09:19:19 JST Rachel Thorn
I'm not someone who ever spent a lot of time thinking about artificial intelligence before a few years, but none of the worst-case scenarios I ever pondered included "Writers and artists losing work or seeing their income plummet because of creepy algorithms that produce text or images on behalf of lazy and stingy capitalists who really hate paying humans a living wage."
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Rachel Thorn (rachel_thorn@queer.party)'s status on Monday, 09-Jan-2023 12:43:03 JST Rachel Thorn
@pica_pica That is hugely disappointing. So many successful Japanese artists (particularly men, but some notable women, too) get sucked into that stuff.
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Rachel Thorn (rachel_thorn@queer.party)'s status on Monday, 09-Jan-2023 12:18:41 JST Rachel Thorn
@pica_pica May I ask who?
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Rachel Thorn (rachel_thorn@queer.party)'s status on Wednesday, 04-Jan-2023 16:35:08 JST Rachel Thorn
It’s kind of amazing to me that even here, on Mastodon, there are people who feel the need to argue that a billionaire can be a good person. Do you have any idea what can be done with a billion dollars? For one thing, you could fix the water problems in Flint, Michigan, with a snap of your billionaire fingers. Hell, you could make sure every single inhabited area of the Earth has clean water. Instead you hoard and live in your palace. Snap out of it, folks. Billionaires are sociopaths.
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Rachel Thorn (rachel_thorn@queer.party)'s status on Wednesday, 04-Jan-2023 16:35:07 JST Rachel Thorn
I sometimes hear people who are not even millionaires saying things like, “Just being a billionaire doesn’t make someone a bad person.” It absolutely makes them a bad person. One doesn’t just happen to accumulate a billion dollars because one has a great product or service. It happens because you exploit the fuck out of people and resources. You hoard profits for yourself rather than share them with the people who are actually making your products and providing your services.
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Rachel Thorn (rachel_thorn@queer.party)'s status on Monday, 02-Jan-2023 16:19:56 JST Rachel Thorn
@pica_pica マジか!?だれがそんな絵文字を作ったのか気になって仕方がありません?
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Rachel Thorn (rachel_thorn@queer.party)'s status on Monday, 02-Jan-2023 14:45:20 JST Rachel Thorn
@pica_pica あ。それは昨日の私の晩ごはんでした。今日の昼ごはん(液体)はこちらです。
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Rachel Thorn (rachel_thorn@queer.party)'s status on Sunday, 01-Jan-2023 23:22:50 JST Rachel Thorn
I am really struggling to find a #PeerTube instance. I want one that doesn't tolerate racism, transphobia, homophobia, xenophobia, cryptocurrency, or NFTs, and which allows live #streaming for accounts that prove they won't stream the above. I also need support in either English or Japanese.
Do I need to bite the bullet and just make my own goddam instance? Does this require purchasing dedicated server hardware?