@evan@blaine@darius Evan, while I agree (& benefit) from your view on LLMs, the development is fueled by executives dreaming they can fire 90% of their workforce while maintaining the same income. #idiocracy Meanwhile we dream that we finally have a good interface for knowledge graphs 🤓
Theorie: Ein #Digitalministerium in Deutschland wird sicher an die CSU gehen. Die nominiert dann so einen AI-Blitz der die ganze Kohle für nutzlose LLMs in Bayern verbrennt.
@alcinnz looked at part 1, I mean woody was really advanced. Ok, it was maintained until 2015 or so 😁 . I started with the jurix distribution, which had a very nice custom X-Windows system. Later, we used fvwm and then the first versions of KDE. Note that I was in the legal department of the University 😇
Producing legal texts with latex was a lot of fun, but not very well recognized.
@alcinnz the report starts where it became really easy. Suddenly all the buttons on my laptop worked. Starting with Ubuntu misses the real smart parts. Namely that the integration of Internet and Desktop is an invention of NEXT and then was taken up by KDE 1.1!
Liebe @tagesschau und andere Medienleute. Der Guardian macht es vor. Und die verlieren mehr outreach als ihr. Sie machen es trotzdem. Das sollte doch zu Denken geben.
This should really trigger regulators if there are any courageous ones left. As I use @Vivaldi I wonder whether they will regret their decision to go with the blink engine and whether they will be forced to return to PRESTO!! 😎
If not, be prepared to switch to firefox. Since 10 years I urge the EU to make their own competing browser. Instead, they write rubbish into the eIDAS regulation 🤪
@janboehm@Gargron One usability suggestion. Currently, if someone puts a link to a mastodon account in a post, one has to copy that URL and put it in the search field in order to open and follow that account. It would be good to be able to go to the account within one's own instance when clicking on it. I know that this deviates from the normal browser behaviour, but it is a matter of notation/encoding IMHO.