@HSTG so, if I'm understanding the terminology correctly, when sulfur reacts with metals such as copper and magnesium the resulting compounds become sulfates? I know I'm being simplistic but it helps me to absorb the learning. Therefore, sulfur reacting with copper produces the compound copper sulfate and a similar reaction with magnesium produces magnesium sulfate? So the fate suffix denotes some interaction with metals?
@HSTG forgive me, I'm also @agentcasey in all my incarnations as well I only just realized that, I replied as a different entity, even I have a hard time keeping up with my identities.
@HSTG thank you for correcting me. That's the kind of expertise that I failed to grasp in my chemistry education. I must make a note of that. I think I'll do a search on the differences between sulfates and sulfides. I'm happy I pursued this topic now. I do have a question, though, so there was a connection between the sulfur compounds in Epsom salts being a deterrent to some types of fungi then? Also, thanks for helping me realize that copper sulfate does have a purpose.
I loved and still love chemistry but because of my initial inattention, coupled with not finding a motivational tutor, I fell behind right around chemical equations. Perhaps in the next life I'll figure it out. Thanks again. I'm going to do that search now.
@HSTG good call. Perhaps, that's why Epsom salts are especially helpful at many simple ailments, including to an extent, fungal conditions, because of it's sulfur molecules. Just a reminder, that Epsom salts is composed chiefly of magnesium sulfide. I wonder if there is a connection? I didn't study hard enough at my chemistry lessons, so I fell behind and now my chemistry is rudimentary at best.
It’s a pity, but it’s understandable that the Saker is ending his very valuable blog given that #Andrei understands the difficult position he’s likely to be in once #WWIII goes hot much better than most. Anyone who followed the site had a much better idea of what was happening in #Ukraine, and why it was happening, than everyone getting their news from the various organs of the #mainstream #media.
First, I will shut down the blog no later than at the end of February.
Second, for a host of reasons, I cannot transfer the blog to any one person or group of trusted people. This sounds like a great idea until you look at tons of details and it becomes an impossible one.
Third, yes, I would like to keep the entire archive of the blog available somewhere on the Internet.
Everything I posted on the blog was licensed under the Creative Commons CC-BY-SA 4.0 International license (creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0). Which means that ANYBODY can copy and post and even modify ANYTHING I have ever posted. There is no need to ask for permission or get my approval or anything like that.
In practical terms this means this: if you can grab it all (or parts) and reposted it elsewhere, anywhere, you will have my eternal gratitude.
Furthermore, I personally would prefer that the archive be available on as many sites as possible (for obvious redundancy reasons). I would therefore not agree to grant anybody “exclusive rights” or anything like that.
Please notice that while I never monetized the blog, you are not under any obligation to follow my example, but only as long as you don’t claim any exclusive copywrong “rights” or object on anybody else doing the same thing (or not).
I very much appreciate the landmark work that Andrei has done in effectively chronicling the start of World War III since its inception in 2014, and I suspect future historians will find it extremely useful and informative as well. I wish him well in his future endeavors.
And I would encourage the autists and archivists who read this site to download, archive, and publish mirrors of the #Saker’s site for future reference. Regardless of whether the #future unfolds in the general direction that we envisage or not, they will be an important #record of recent #historical #events.
@≠ I should mention that I do have and have read most of her books, I will probably have to reread them to see if she has always been duplicitous, in the manner of, spouting politically correct nonsense, in order to fit in. I found her mostly honest but those times were different times and I was more trusting and less suspicious then. All in all, I must remind myself, that there are none, perfect among us and here is where, tolerance is applicable.
@≠ @spiritsplice I agree, Coulter always sought the limelight, however, after getting rejected by the conventional mockingbird media types and perhaps, saddened that she is hated by the left , she seems to crave their favor still. She makes a half good point once in a while but I agree with @spiritsplice, she's controlled opposition, in the same vein as Hannity and the rest of them. They're all, mostly suspect.
@≠ Whomever the far right is. I suspect they are, anyone with a divergent opinion or opinions varying from that of the corporate media complex and deep state Washington DC politicians.
@≠ Someone already tried that. That would be Corel® the makers of WordPerfect®. They had a version called Corel® Linux based on Debian Sarge, that ran under Wine, well the WordPerfect® application, ran under Wine. I suppose that I was probably the only person, that liked it and, I actually paid cash for my copy. It was a bit quirky, it would freeze sometimes, momentarily and the resolution would do funny things sometimes too. However, for the most part, it worked. This was the time before Linux had any office suites. The time before StarOffice became open sourced. I still have the entire package. Of course it's now obsolete since once Debian upgraded to the new version, the libraries had to be upgraded as well, which left that version of Linux, with a shortened lifespan.
As for your assertion, that Windows may perhaps, one day market a successful Linux distribution, that probably, ironically, sell better and actually start a Linux craze, may be spot on and hilarious to boot. Everything, is mostly half done everywhere, it is the expectation of perfection, that may be man's most defining distraction. Is the Earth, perfect? Can we adapt to coexist with it? I think you see my point. Happiness is being satisfied with the conditions which one truly cannot change. I have yet to suffer any dissatisfaction with using Linux since I know what to expect and also, I can make the changes that I need to make. That's the power of using an OS like that. I have a computer running Windows 11 now and I rarely use it except to ensure that it is properly maintained and updated. Also, I use it to program one of my Ham radios although I'm working on a hack which may make that task unnecessary. As I have been continually stressing, it's the preferences. It's what one is comfortable using and that which one perceives, as being more familiar and to an extent, superior.
@≠ now we're being honest. Your contention, is as I have suspected. You prefer the familiar, intuitive, user interface of Windows. It's the perception of all those things, on which you base your preferences. There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with that. However, it's a far cry from declaring Linux as being over bloated, etc, when we have no metric, to show the relative accuracy of such a statement, since, while the Linux kernel, may be audited, by anyone, because, the code is freely available, the same cannot be said, about the other two systems, included in your initial reply. Also, whereas, those two operating systems are, Homogeneous, Linux is merely, a kernel and Linux is also, simultaneously, independent groups of distributions with, the only commonality, being just the kernel. So, the perception of over bloat, over engineering, becomes a more relative and subjective reality.
The choice of operating systems may have, for some, the commodity of intuition and user friendliness, but that may only be the attraction for some and in our case, for many. The fact that many people prefer a certain product or activity, only proves that it may be popular and common, not that it is any good, or the best or even the worst. It's a preference based on, as you may have hinted at, confidence. Confidence in one's own abilities, confidence in the product's reliability and perhaps, confidence in the product's predictability. One can easily wrap one's mind around that type of thinking. However, my main point in all of this, is, it's all based on preferences, perception and yes, confidence too but also, for anyone to be happy with the operating system being used, one first must have choices, which we have, followed by, the ability to use whichever operating systems chosen, to include software and the competence to follow through.
The reasons why some people migrate away from propriety operating systems are, varied, however one of the main reason is, the ability to improve the software and operating system via changing the code. Now, if one is capable enough, one will be satisfied and will hardly fall short as it is within one's own hands to control one's destiny, in this specific realm. The people who seem to complain and moan, are the ones that aren't persistent enough to find the answers to the questions and mysteries, for which they seek. In the case of Linux and the other Unix like operating systems, that kind of clarity is more readily achievable.
I've been using Linux and other Unix Like systems for decades now, almost exclusively and I don't seem to have the restlessness that I have witnessed in others. I started out with Apples, then I built my first PC's and eventually, found out about the free and open source communities. Since then the learning have never stopped. People that love study, experiments, tinkering and hacking can appreciate the potential possibilities. It goes far beyond software too, since there are many similar types of software that do the same things and substitutes can be made so one is hardly ever restricted by those narrow confines, especially now in relatively modern times. It's all about preferences and I'm sure of it.
@≠ There are a myriad of operating systems out there today, many of which are free. People are making their choices and clearly, no operating system is going to suit everyone. However, there are lightweight operating systems out there, that are ready for genius exploits and while you may consider the three operating systems that you know about, to be bloated and below your standards, feel free to make the most of what exist.
Bad workmen blame their tools and confused men will go, to and fro, never finding anyplace, where they fit in. If one felt truly as you say you do, find one of those light weight, lightly coded operating systems and bend it to your will. I think @Vivi Nella Verita :Debian_logo: makes a valid point and one could say the same about people who use an operating system such as ChromeOS, that it's great for people who want to browse the web and check email and such. It's a simplistic view, of course, since one can do, with whatever operating system, one uses, whatever one can program withing the realm of tools that are contained . So it's up to one's level of expertise. The more one knows the more one can do. The tools are irrelevant it's up to the craftsman. Indeed, there are many obscure operating systems which could appease the minimalist in all of us, however, how long would it remain that way, once the boundaries must be breached, in pursuit of continual, improvement?
Who keeps on telling me, that there's no difference between the two parties? The majority of democrats want to take away my right to self defense, the majority of republicans do not. The majority of the democrats think that voters should be seen and not heard, republicans, if they think that way, for now have remained silent on the subject, except for the odd RINO or two. Democrats, say that we can keep our doctors if we love them, republicans say no. Democrats need the border open since they hate White Americans, have abandoned that demographic, and need another permanent underclass, since they're finally running out of options to cheat in elections.
Those are just a smattering of how identical the two swamp creature parties are. I'm sure when I get a fresh night's sleep, I can come up with several more examples, however, I'm sure many people get the drift. Thanks for reading and see you soon.
It's high time we the people come together and reciprocate, using all the legal and political power, we can amass. The FBI, ATF are useless in fighting crime and have decided that the criminals they need to target are the law abiding citizens that will end them. Of course we have a sizable group of citizens who will do nothing useful, except complain and from them, we can expect nothing different. However, the rest of us who are serious citizens need to target these rough praetorian guardians of the deep state and let them find work elsewhere.
What am I on about? Well it's this, it seems as if the FBI and the ATF were caught secretly spying on law abiding citizens since they're easier to find than real criminals. Gun owners who think that they may be under surveillance, may not be wrong, even if they're a little paranoid, since if it's the FBI or The ATF, well those clowns will do just about anything to come and get you. Let's fire all their asses and let them do the jobs that democrats keep saying, Americans, just won't do.
It seems that we have a tangled web, connecting at least two air plane "crashes" and a yet, undetermined number of innocent souls caught in the middle of a maelstrom. To some this may seem as just unfortunate accidents, however, to others the details may be a very elaborate secret known to just a select few. There are clues to be found here, even if circumstantial, under the circumstances such revelations could shed light on several mysteries. Developing..
It's funny how one views seemingly random events these days, isn't it? It would no doubt go unnoticed if some random plane crashed, leaving almost eighty people dead, when there was just one target to kill. However, government operatives, including freelancers, have been doing this very sort of thing for decades now, with none being the wiser.
I'm sure that a detailed look at who the passengers onboard were, will give the right answers for some people who're looking for clues. On the other hand, the perpetrators, have probably covered their bases and even now, are trimming all, if any, loose ends.
That's all that this alarm is all about, more government intrusion. One that perhaps, involves a device meant to monitor the air quality of everyone's home, no doubt because the government bureaucrats love and care about us so much. If we're lucky, we'll have to pay extra for the device if it we want the model with the microphone and cameras. Well that's their ultimate goal isn't it?
It's like that novel I read in school about a surveillance society with monitoring devices in every room of every building. Perhaps, I'm being hyperbolic, however, this is what happens when free people give an inch. At any rate, I would advise everyone who'll listen, to have as many combination of stoves as one can get ones hand on. Some stoves may be impractical for apartment dwellers, since there are safety concerns when dealing with multi-family dwellings, to consider. Other than those, I'd recommend having gas burners, hot plates, alcohol stoves and wood burning stoves of all types. The bootleggers among us will indeed, appreciate, that electric ranges do limit explosions when one is distilling alcohol, which may or may not be illegal in some locales but hey, who obeys laws anymore?