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If Americans Wish To Keep Their Gas Stoves They Must Allow The Government More Growth & Intrusion.
That's all that this alarm is all about, more government intrusion. One that perhaps, involves a device meant to monitor the air quality of everyone's home, no doubt because the government bureaucrats love and care about us so much. If we're lucky, we'll have to pay extra for the device if it we want the model with the microphone and cameras. Well that's their ultimate goal isn't it?
It's like that novel I read in school about a surveillance society with monitoring devices in every room of every building. Perhaps, I'm being hyperbolic, however, this is what happens when free people give an inch. At any rate, I would advise everyone who'll listen, to have as many combination of stoves as one can get ones hand on. Some stoves may be impractical for apartment dwellers, since there are safety concerns when dealing with multi-family dwellings, to consider. Other than those, I'd recommend having gas burners, hot plates, alcohol stoves and wood burning stoves of all types. The bootleggers among us will indeed, appreciate, that electric ranges do limit explosions when one is distilling alcohol, which may or may not be illegal in some locales but hey, who obeys laws anymore?
#explosive #Palestine_Liberation_Organization #Tuberculosis #Industrial_spill #TTP