@marick@inthehands yes - though at times supply is limited. I ordered mine at a local shop and they had to cancel my order so I got mine at REI. I’ve had it for four years and didn’t use it as much this year as others. As Paul said, it was the test ride that sold me. The electric is only an assist - I’m still biking but it smooths out hills and stops. I have the foldable one so I can put it in my car. It is quite heavy
At @swiftserverconf I saw Tony Parker talk about the process of reimplementing Foundation in Swift and then @airspeedswift introduced a way to communicate with Java from Swift (with the goal of transitioning Java to Swift).
So the question is - why can't there be nice wrappers for Metal. I think many of the obstacles in getting devs to adopt Metal would be removed if we could write shaders in Swift not in C.
My friends in other countries may not know the phrase "who peed in your cornflakes" but the answer for me are the NBC commentators anchoring the DNC who can't stand to see a happy joy-filled room of Democrats in Array.
Thank you to the Prags. I worked there as their first development editor (other than Dave and Andy) around this time and it helped me heal. I was honored when they offered to distribute this book. https://techhub.social/@pragprog/112759608362216286
@marick@inthehands my main flow is because I know I can and live to edit, when I record I will often pause in the middle of a phrase, pause, and say it differently.
I then use Hindenburg to aggressively edit - a ten minute session may end up three minutes. In the old days a one hour interview may become 5-10 minutes.
Finally I use isotope to clean up the sound and normalize the levels
Clearly my use cases aren't in Logic's sites. I would like a wave editor that's as easy to use as Hindenburg is and Bias PEAK was. Keyboard friendly for cutting, selecting, and moving.
This is my yearly reminder that while many celebrate today as a Star Wars holiday, for me May the 4th is first and foremost the anniversary of the day that National Guardsmen shot and killed four college students protesting at Kent State University.
This year it seems particularly important to remember.
AppDevCon was the first conference I spoke at after Kim died. I delivered the Closing Keynote in 2017 and it was raw. After my dad died I completely reworked the story and told it at NSNorth - but I think there's something worth watching in this earlier version that I gave seven years ago this week.
I don't know that I need to upgrade my M1 2021 MBP, but if I do - I'm not sure, why the air wouldn't be sufficient for my needs. i.e. - do I really need a Pro
It fascinates me that stories spin different ways depending on who is involved.
Ex 1: Hillary Clinton calling people on the other side deplorable was in the news for a while as disrespectful and just awful - but Donald Trump calling people on the other side vermin was barely noticed.
Ex 2: Apple taking 30% from people selling on their platform has been in my newsfeed many times a week for years and yet Amazon takes 70% of books I sell for more than $10 and I hear nothing about that.