A server I'm running on a cheap VPS has downtimes as the hoster apparently switches the VPS off with no prior warning (crashes it) every so many weeks. (That hoster is Contabo, who does not have too good a reputation hereabouts.) They don't boot it up automatically, I have to do that myself.
Good counsel, as we are used from you, @feditips 🌹!
But, to pick a nit: Is the reasoning correct?
A standard emoticon like the one in your example is a plain humble unicode character. There's no HTML tag with an alt attribute, characters simply do not have alt texts. Its images and other media that do. The "smile" is added by an English screen reading software.
It may be different when people use custom emojis provided by their server instance. My choice: I generally don't. @weirdwriter
I just hesitate to call that "Unicode string" an "alt text". For me, an alt text is something in HTML (or XML): The content of some tag's "alt" attribute.
To my excuse: Precise terminology can prevent confusion. Example: "Plain text cannot contain alt texts." - "🤔 Wait! The alt texts of emojis are read out all right!" Or: "The document author determines the language and content of alt texts."
At the end of the day, we all agree what authors should do.
Trying to learn a thing from this: Your argument assumes that the Fediverse isn't all that integrated yet, so (at this point in time) it still rather matters (to the end-user interface) whether one is talking to a peertube or a pixelfed server. Correct?
That'd establish a real conflict of interest, between what's needed now and what's desirable for a better future.
That said, I'd even consider whether I'd want to commit to "this is just pictures, never anything else". So maybe "artwork" or "media" or "creativity" or something of that sort? @afranke
The venerable "cool URIs don't change" https://www.w3.org/Provider/Style/URI (by Sir Tim Berners-Lee himself) has good counsel what NOT to put into an URI. Among those:
> Software mechanisms. ... give-away "look what software we are using" bits in URIs.
There is an extra paragraph stressing this also holds for domain names.
Now "Mastodon" is a particular technology. So all customary "mastodon.*"-type hostnames are ignorant of TBL's good advise.
Hello, @feditips , maybe you want to add a note to your material: Names containing "mastodon" (or, for that matter, "mstdn" ?) are a bad idea, from a long-term perspective. These (even legally) tie you to one particular Fediverse implementation. Forever.
I'm curious to see whether you actually follow this suggestion. ??
"...some are very tightly integrated..." [with Fediverse] while "...others are sort of one-directional...".
At this point, I'm not discussing (with, e.g., @matt) the deficiencies (or choices?) of individual pieces of software. I'm looking for info on this for many such pieces.
For me, your already excellent list "What other kinds of servers are on the Fediverse?" would be even more useful with "level of integration" info.
We recently tried out WriteFreely. It is advertised as blogging with Fediverse integration.
Subscription worked, but discussion did not. Replies to blog posts are apparently ignored by WriteFreely. So mastodon users don't get to see each others replies to WriteFreely posts.
More generally: Which Fediverse software supports which Fediverse features? Details would be valuable.
@feditips - does that sound like something you'd like to research and publish?
FridaysForFuture I'm a German scientist for future. Very concerned about dangers to coming generations through CO2, nuclear waste, nuclear war, mass extinction. Sustainability dear to my heart since reading "limits to growth" in 1978, never owned a car in my life. #hamradio #AmateurRadio QRP 5W inner city apartment amateur radio station. Enjoy #MorseCode, rag chewing, mining RBN / PSKreporter data, #JS8, low-mountain hiking (#GMA). You can see me at German #AfuBarcamp if you take part in those.