@boud@nemobis Interesting. @matrix tried to pitch for EDIC funding about a year ago, but it went nowhere - it looks EDIC is focused on funnelling money from EU->Govts rather than to projects. Meanwhile €5M/y is too big for NGI. Hadn't come across ERICs; will check. If we'd had baseline funding for Synapse dev we wouldn't be in this position.
Another solution here could be if governments decided to actually support FOSS by funding its maintenance & dev by subscribing to the paid product, rather than freeriding. ZenDiS in Germany is a great example of this. But unfortunately, they're almost unique in this, hence Synapse Pro.
🚨Nation-scale Matrix deployments will fail if built on the community version of Synapse.
The community version of Synapse is not designed or intended for use by commercial Matrix hosting providers to serve huge nation-scale deployments. Just as a suspension bridge has a weight limit and will collapse if you exceed it - the same goes for community Synapse.
Deployments supporting millions of users need Synapse Pro.
@troed We'd also like everything to be open source. But the reality is that even with AGPL, we're still stuck in the pattern that enormous deployments use FOSS Synapse without contributing to its dev/maintenance costs.
Every time an opportunity that we're counting on to fund the team turns around and says "oh, FOSS Synapse is good enough, and we can use it for free, bye" we find ourselves needing to provide a very concrete reason not to freeride - hence Synapse Pro.
In banning WhatsApp, the Scottish government has a wonderful opportunity to introduce secure communications to transform trust, ways of working and productivity across the entire public sector.
💥 Boom! Synapse Pro rewrites the economics of nation-scale Matrix deployments with high density multi-tenancy, high availability and elastic horizontal scaling.
Synapse Pro is the most cost-efficient Matrix backend available for large-scale use and saves nationwide deployments millions.
Available under a commercial license, Synapse Pro will also help fund and accelerate the continued open source development of Synapse for the benefit of all of Matrix.
Watch Försäkringskassan (Sweden's Social Insurance Agency) present at #MatrixConf on using Element as part of a sovereign and secure collaboration service (called SAFOS) for parts of Försäkringskassan and several other government agencies.
Security release day! Element Web v1.11.81 has landed on Element Web, Element Desktop, and Docker Hub. This version includes a security fix for a high severity vulnerability. Please upgrade! 🧵
NOTE - The Matrix.org Foundation is disclosing two vulnerabilities in matrix-js-sdk and matrix-react-sdk today. These have been PATCHED ALREADY, since Element Web and Desktop version 1.11.70.
We're pleased to report that Matrix has performed well in the BSI audit, conducted by mgm security partners, under the CAOS initiative. The audit found only three low-severity issues.
We're proud of the results and grateful for the BSI's support of open-source security.
🇪🇺 🇪🇺 🇪🇺 To celebrate DMA Day we wrote up our thoughts on WhatsApp's third party interoperability offer, how it fits with Element and Matrix, and what the future may or may not hold!