"They say violence never solves anything, but to quote The Onion: that's only true so long as you ignore all of human history."
-- Excerpt from the short story "Radicalized" by @pluralistic
"They say violence never solves anything, but to quote The Onion: that's only true so long as you ignore all of human history."
-- Excerpt from the short story "Radicalized" by @pluralistic
@joshbressers @eff I’ll save you the effort: there is nothing, absolutely ziltch, that is more cool than @eff swag.
@drahardja @pluralistic the doomsday prepper mentality poses a challenging dichotomy for me now. Me, like many others, are terrified of what will come to pass over the next four years, and are trying to figure out how best to prepare.
It seems as though the main difference between the two groups of preppers is simply their perception of reality.
Oh and also one group isn't bigots, so there's that.
If someone ever tells you they don't support the idea of preferred pronouns, make sure you always call them by their non-preferred pronouns and watch their mind melt.
@GossiTheDog whhhatt? When did this come out??? Or are you on pre-release?
When you successfully secure all your endpoints, but not your core infrastructure.
@mdhughes this is awesome. Reminds me of this: https://stevenrhodes.threadless.com/designs/worship-coffee/mens/t-shirt
@Lockdownyourlife he finally won a popular vote lmao
(inhales sharply)
(ghasps for air)
[~]$ whoami principal killswitch engineer. cybernaut. blueteamer. privacy advocate. disciple of doctorow. reader of white papers. eff member. round-earther. cyber dark arts certified. professor emeritus of shitpostery and fellow at the institute of memetic research and development. i larp as a normie. (he/him) opinions expressed != employers
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