@AndresFreundTec And a lot of persistence! Reminds me of one of the classics of the industry, Cliff Stoll's Cuckoo's Egg - "Stoll traced the error to an unauthorized user who had apparently used nine seconds of computer time and not paid for it" leading to a german hacker selling content to the KGB - 38 years ago. It is impressive (but uncommon) to see someone paying that level of attention to anomalies these days, with how thick tech stacks have gotten...
@cadey I just gave an in-house tech talk on "weird tools I built that I use all the time but you probably don't want" :) Fun and low-stakes, all in all.
@ntnsndr I hate that this is a real question, but if you're asking it you'll probably find @simon of interest (in terms of being able to beat an LLM with a stick until something useful comes out)
@noracodes Yeah, one of the reasons we liked it as an interview question is that the answers were *very* different depending on experience and subfield; I once used it in a (sloppy, startup) tech writer interview to show that they were "on the right level" to extract information from our team (doing a map search appliance, so it was a good proxy topic.) @tupsu