There were several people that read, understood, and attempted to circulate articles that examined ACE2 targeting in 2020. However, information and findings from those bodies of work were not allowed to enter the mainstream for consumption by the general public.
RFK didn’t seem to know he was being recorded and let a few pieces of known information (in an understandable form) slip out. If you look at his Twitter feed, he provided a link to an article that supports what he said, knowing that most people will be unable to understand the article content. If he was genuinely interested in exposing anything, he would have posted links to some of the other articles that contained easier to understand figures. Better articles on the subject are available but most people won’t bother to search for them once they see that they are unable to understand the article that RFK posted. Look for yourself if you don’t believe it.
It’s all a show; many of the people in-front of the cameras know and understand what’s going on. There appear to be no plans to inform the public.