@lanodan@coolboymew Years ago, a friend of mine had an insanely great idea, replacing voice menus with Gopher. So if you called some company on the phone, you could deal with their Gopher menu instead of the voice one. There's your BBS style interface. We have a technology for making and displaying them easily. Maybe replace Gopher with Gemini. Or maybe not; Gopher was made for this kind of thing. Perhaps Gopher requests and responses exchanged over SMS?
Voice and touch-tone menus could stay around for people who want them. Implementing them would be much simpler, too, because they could just be thin Gopher clients with a voice and touch-tone interface.
@albinanigans@SteveBellovin@lanodan I've been known to feel around for braille signs on bathrooms and the like. Braille signs on building doors? Sure, makes sense. But street signs? Half the time I'm not even aware of their physical existence. When I'm out walking, if something isn't directly in front of me, or right next to me, or producing sound, I'm not even aware of it. With my cane, I effectively have about 1.5 m (5 feet) of "visibility" in front of me, with a bit of clearance on either side. And even if I'm aware that a street sign exists, I'm not likely to go feel it up. It's probably just a thoroughly uninteresting sheet of metal on a pole. I'd be far more likely to check out the bushes and foliage near the sidewalk. Note I have no sight at all. For someone with more sight than I have, maybe braille street signs make sense, though I'm still kind of doubtful.
@lanodan@matt Apologies for hijacking the thread, but I saw the mention of non-GUI audio chat.
There are a few non-GUI VOIP and audio chat solutions. There's the Mumble client barnard, https://github.com/bmmcginty/barnard. This has bit-rotted to a certain degree. It has become wildly unstable, either due to changes to Go or to libraries that it is using. And I know of at least one memory leak. I'm too sick nowadays and don't know Go well enough, or I'd try and fix it. Funnily enough, it is far more stable on FreeBSD than on Linux. And yet, there are a few blind people (me included) who use it all the time.
SIP from the terminal has been around in some form for a while: pjsua, baresip, and the linphone command-line client linphonec. I use baresip in daemon mode, where it accepts commands over TCP. Commands and responses are sent as netstrings. So this is pretty easy to work with. I wrote a little command line program, bscmd, for sending commands to it. So I can make and receive calls directly from my shell. `bscmd dial sip:+18004444444` will dial a landline phone number through my VOIP provider, and `bscmd accept` will answer an incoming call. `bscmd hangup` to end a call, `bscmd mute` to mute. I've used this plus a land-line dial-in number to participate in Zoom calls (without video of course). All from the comfort of a Unix shell.
@lanodan I saw the surveillance issues coming 20 years ago, when the bank remotely repossessed my girlfriend's car because she had missed some payments. They literally locked her out of it using a satellite transponder. We can't trust capitalists and authoritarians of any stripe with digital tech.
Bikes are cool and we need more of them on the streets. But not all of us can ride. Walkable cities FTW. Though I don't see why bike-friendly cities wouldn't be foot friendly. And for the people who say, "not everyone can walk", a city without cars is also friendly to personal mobility devices of all sorts.
Islam is not a race. Islam is an ideology that can be (and is) adopted as dogma by anyone regardless of age, sex, or race.
What’s ironic is how Western liberals have jumped on the same bandwagon of false conflation as conservatives. I (white American) have on at least one occasion needed to explain to white American friends that Islam is not a race. That there are majority white countries, Bosnia, Albania, where Islam is the national religion. I had to explain to the same idiot that the Qur’an doesn’t say “kill all the white people”, because the idea of white people wasn’t even a thing in the 7th century. And I’ve actually read it.
Western liberals make the same mistake as the racists who attack and harass Sikhs, Hindus, whatever, because they “look Muslim”.
@Sandra@aral Trump's Muslim ban, Paludan, and Harris et al wanting to nuke the Middle East: these things are clearly and obviously racist. Drawing a caricature, that one's a lot more nuanced. If someone spray painted it on a mosque, that's a hate crime. If they published it in a paper: that's unkind, maybe it's even unacceptable. I can agree with that. But it doesn't warrant death. It shouldn't be against the law. We've fought hard to rid ourselves of blasphemy laws. Where do you draw the line? Because clearly there are lines to be drawn here.
I'm the guy who calls the Christian god an abuser. If I could draw, I'd love to draw some caricatures of Christianity, because that well runs deep and I can imagine some really creative ones.
@lanodan@hannah Wouldn't be surprised if there are some fairly old phonograph records with audio books on them. Or magnetic wire spools. Open tape reels. Etc. But probably no or few full-length books from before the 1930s or so.
I stumbled on some ancient 78-RPM records as a kid in the 1980s. These were thick and heavy. Like, the size of a standard 33 and 1/3 RPM record, but the thickness and weight of a glass dinner plate. One was from 1901, and it had a few minutes of comedy recorded on it.
Assuming the media are properly preserved, you still need the technology to play them.
In the late 20th century, audiobooks for the blind were typically made in special formats. In the US: 4-track cassette at 15/16 inches per second (half of standard speed), phonograph records at 8 RPM. The 4-track meant separate recording on each of the two stereo tracks of a side of a tape. One track would be recorded forward and the other reversed. With a computer, a standard tape deck, and the sox utility, anyone can decode these things.
After the rise of Audible, all bets are off. Unless someone pirates an audiobook and strips the DRM, no way will anyone be able to decode those at some unspecified point in the future. One good reason to pirate all the things. DRM is an attack against culture akin to book burning.
@hannah@lanodan Well, you probably can't if you're blind. The oldest braille book I've seen was a copy of the Gospel of Matthew from the early 1930s. It wasn't in good shape circa 1990 when I found it. Braille on thermoform has even less of a lifespan.
OTOH I can download a book from Project Gutenberg produced 40 years ago and read it with `less`.
@technomancy@guites What's daft about it? The concept (Go black-box extensible with Lua) sure sounds solid to me. As solid as extending my webserver (C black-box) with Lua. Is it the implementation?
@lanodan That is an absolutely terrible error message. Go go OpenSSL!
In fairness to it, I might be able to decipher it with effort. It's a little better than "Error: success", maybe, and a vast improvement over the sort of error messages a lot of apps and webapps give. "There was an error. Try again later." Those kind are all too common and just inculcate learned helplessness.
@lanodan Yeah I've been on Unix for most of the last 25 years. Longer if you count dialup shell accounts. Used Windows 95 back in the day some, and DOS some. In the last decade or so, I started noticing just how terrible error messages were on smartphone apps and webapps. I hadn't realized Windows started the trend.
@Sandra@clacke All I remember is that it was 4DOS running under Win 95, and it handled long filenames just fine. This was a long time ago and a lot of the details are fuzzy. I wish I still had that code.
@Sandra@clacke So did BASIC and some forms of batch file.
I used 4DOS batch language to write the first program I ever made for others to use. I was at a center for the blind. The program took a CD-ROM full of ebooks that were zip files each containing a single .txt file. Using a catalog, it organized that collection into directories named for authors, with the extracted .txt files renamed to contain the title. Yeah, the input was 8.3-style DOS filenames, and the output used Win 9x long filenames.
I was doing most of this in my spare time, writing code on a PDA-like device with a Z80 microprocessor, no 4DOS interpreter in sight. Essentially I was coding by reading the 4DOS documentation. When I did have access to a PC with 4DOS, I'd test pieces of the thing.
I had it make little beeps to indicate progress. Wanna guess how exciting it was to watch that thing run and hear those silly beeps?
I was no programmer at the time; just a person with a brain and great reading comprehension.
I'm a 40-something blind guy living in the Pacific Northwest of the US.I write, maintain, and advocate for free software.Utopian dreamer, vegetarian, and amateur philosopher / historian.