This worked really well to download 1500 Kindle books.
You do have to give them your Amazon credentials, so be sure to change your password after you use it (if you decide to even take that risk).
This worked really well to download 1500 Kindle books.
You do have to give them your Amazon credentials, so be sure to change your password after you use it (if you decide to even take that risk).
I 100% feel like a paranoid prepper, but does anyone have practical advice for buying a year's worth of meds at once? Obviously I would pay out of pocket.
Is this the courage Apple is so famous for?
I've largely been ambivalent about Apple under Tim Cook over the last several years.
Now, I'm officially ready to see him go.
Not to brag, but my cat is better at playing fetch than most dogs I've met. #SirSqueakertonTheFirst
Okay, enough anxiety spiraling.
Things I love:
- the way J reaches for me in his sleep
- cats cuddled up next to me
- the escape books bring
- fidgeting productively via knitting
- D&D nights
- rainy days
- chats with friends
- acute migraine medications
- pajamas as clothes
- not washing my hair every day
- Splatoon
- toe socks
- remembering to get the towels out of the dryer before my shower
- clean sheets
- fountain pens
- that feeling of rightness when I've written a great sentence
Trans people have a right to exist and live happy, fulfilled lives. They deserve gender-affirming care. They deserve to use the fucking bathroom without being side-eyed or accosted.
Poor Squeaks McGee waits all night for his Justin to wake up. The second J even hints at stirring, Squeaky is there, purring & ready for skritches.
I know this because Squeaky's usually in my bubble until I am unceremoniously abandoned for The Tall One. #SirSqueakertonTheFirst
@Fragglemuppet it is very war college & politics heavy, but the dragon/human relationships feature heavily.
Note that these are new adult rather than YA--there are explicit sex scenes
I read Onyx Storm before the Internet could spoil it for me.
Now I can go on tumblr again.
I like Fourth Wing well enough, but I don't really understand the level of hype for these books.
They're good and they're not 100% predictable for me (a person who's really good at pattern matching)! They're not groundbreaking. But there are a lot of dragons, so I'm in.
I don't want a list of ultra-rich people who have lost houses in wildfires. I don't care: they'll be fine.
I care about the people who won't be able to recover.
How did we culturally decide what becomes pie and what does not? Why apples and berries and not grapes?
I know some of it has to do with trying to use an abundance of readily available produce before it goes bad, but there has to be more to it than that.
It's my birthday! Want to help me celebrate? Here are some things you can do that would make me happy:
- If you're in the US and eligible, vote!!!
- Take a moment to tell your favorite creator(s) that you enjoy their work.
- Donate a few dollars to the CC Circle, which supplies covid safety gear to people in need at a 0% interest rate (not a nonprofit, just a guy trying to help):
- Donare a few dollars to your local hospice or no-kill animal shelter.
Google Drive is terrible and it's a shame that so many institutions rely on it.
I have been rallying against paper straws for literal years because 1) they make everything taste worse, 2) they are not allergy-friendly (or celiac friendly), 3) plastic straws are a valuable accessibility aid for many people, and 4) this is another way to shift the conversation away from how corporations are destroying the environment to place the impetus on individuals to save the turtles, which isn't going to do shit in the long run
(and a happy NEEDLES IN MY SPINE day to all who celebrate! We're trying steroid shots in a new location (down a vertebra) so cross all your fingers that I get better results)
I always think about CWing my steroid injection posts but it'd just say "Needles in Spine" and that's basically just the post.
J is dipping his toes into the world of mechanical keyboards and I think he was unprepared for the price tags 😂
Why aren't there picture books about dinosaurs for adults?
Aleen [uh-lean], noun: Podcaster, reader, writer, knitter, nerd. Queer. A work in progress.I live in the suburbs of Phoenix, Arizona on Akimel O’odham and Pee Posh ancestral land.Profile pic: a selfie of a white woman with curlyish brown hair and brown eyes, wearing purple and pink translucent cat eye glasses.Header image: Bookshelves at the Central Library in Seattle from a story or two above.
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