@lanodan yeah, even if it's a niche game, at some point somebody will definitely go and fix it, share it, then it will break again, and somebody else will pick it up, fix and share it.
@lanodan yeah, like Y2038 is the closest breakage that will definitely happen for most software.
I think modern games probably won't even get a chance to be reverse-engineered, releasing source code (like actually releasing it, not leaking through thirdparties/former employees) is the only way to be sure it won't be an issue to run these games in the future.
@BunnyInAHat ask them to rename themselves? Not the first time for Valve: Jackhammer was renamed to J.A.C.K, Black Mesa Source was renamed to Black Mesa.
Some random school taught kids to make Half-Life levels using JACK and run them under Xash to introduce them into game development
tbh Quake/HL mapping is really the easiest and entertaining way to learn basics of game dev, as no prior knowledge of programming or 3D design is required at all
It didn't turned out to be really hard, other than typical pre-standard C++ incompatibilities I've seen porting HLSDK countless times for modern compilers, there isn't much needed to be done.
And look, it even gets loaded in original Loki Games' port of this game!
To compile and install (backup the original cgame.so/fgame.so just in case) just run: ``` cd source CC="cc -m32" CXX="c++ -m32" ./waf configure build install --destdir=path/to/install/bin/x86/glibc-2.1 ```
@mittorn yeah but it was also updated several times. However, gcc version hasn't changed until hl25 which says: `GCC: (SteamRT 5.4.0-7.really.6+steamrt1.2+srt2) 5.4.1 20160803`