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- Embed this noticeThat's why people get hooked because it makes life stop hurting and feel absolutely loved 😏 I heard it's never the same after that and they just continue hopelessly "chasing the dragon" from then on. And eventually you're only using it to feel normal instead of like you want to die with shivers, sweating, puking, shitting yourself. Absolute hell until you get "fixed". Then it becomes the apple of your eye and all that you think and talk about. Everything you wanna do has to have that as the centerpiece. How it was for my highschool best friend who got strung out on opiates. Haven't heard from him in a couple years or so. I assume he either got ahold of some fentanyl and died or committed suicide or committed suicide. I just assume he's dead. No way of knowing either. All he ever talked about towards the end was wanting to get a camper and go out to the middle of the desert and listen to coast to coast am with George Nori and do heroin. Got so annoying. I lived with him and his folks a couple times in San Diego. His parents sold their house and uprooted their entire lives to move him away from that stuff to Boise Idaho. He never left home to live on his own his whole life and his dad's a Vietnam vet and his mom's a Filipino he met and married during those years like boomers often do