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- Embed this noticeWhen I enlisted after highschool, I think the recruiters thought I was a dumbass because I only had a GED. I got good grades (straight A's in fact), I just left about a 3rd of the way thru my senior year because I was sick of how ghey public school was, and I was having problems at home with my fucked up family. We put the "Funk" in dysfunctional.
Anyway, I almost maxed out my ASVAB test. Only missed a couple of questions. It's no big accomplishment though because most of it is on about an 8th grade level. But my recruiters were all "Damn dude! You blew that test out of the water! You can do anything you want in the Army! Anything at all." Really, they made a big deal about it like it was unusual.
Then I got in Basic Training and found out I was surrounded by cannon fodder retards. Probably about 70% of enlisted military personnel fall into that category or close to it. Especially in today's multi-kulti military.
High scores weren't stopping anybody when I joined in '92. What year was it when you tried to enlist?
But yeah, back then they frowned on visible tattoos big-time.