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- Embed this notice@iamtakingiteasy @crunklord420 @lina @s8n @mint La La🎶, La La🎶 x4 repeat
Bang🎶 x3 repeat
Liberals gets offended, niggers still chimping, filthy spics spamming all night long.🎶🎶
Jews kvetches "Oy Vey", gooks urinating, and the Arabian niggers chants "Allahu Akbar!!"🎶🎶
Groypers mutters, pajeets shitting, and the abo-niggers doing crazy shit but there's one type and we have recognizeeeeeeed!🎶🎶
What does the Ruzzie say?!?🎶
Blyat!! Blyat!! Blyat!! Blyat!! Cyka!! Cyka Bylat!! x3 repeat🎶🎶🎶
What does the Ruzzie say?!?🎶
умереть за пушечное мясо!!!
(umeret' za pushechnoye myaso!!!) x3 repeat🎶🎶🎶
(die for the cannon fodder!!!)
What does the Ruzzie say?!?🎶
борьба за мать-россию!
(bor'ba bor'ba za mat'-rossiyu!) x2 repeat🎶🎶🎶
(fighting fighting for mother Russia!)
борьба за Распутина?!?
(bor'ba za Rasputina?!?)
(fighting for Rasputin?!?)
What does the Ruzzie say?!?🎶
умри ты, нацистская мразь, умри ты, фашистская свинья, о, помоги мне, комраааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааадэ!!!!!!
(umri ty, natsistskaya mraz', umri ty, fashistskaya svin'ya, o, pomogi mne, komraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaade!!!!!!)
(die you nazi scum, die you facist pig, oh help me comraaaaaaaaaade!!!!!!)
What does the Ruzzie say?!?🎶
Russians are mongrelized, trashy thugs, overconsumes large amounts of vodka!🎶
Waving Soviets flags, higher divorce rates, overwhelmed with millions of Asiatic Islamo niggers.🎶
Your country is so murky, you have been impacted by hyperflation🎶
Your country is controlled by Jews🎶
And you are so ugly;🎶
Zig-Zig-Zig-Zig-Ziggers!🎶 x3 repeat
And that word rhymes with;🎶
Nig-Nig-Nig-Nig-Niggers!🎶 x3 repeat
What does the Ruskie say?🎶
"de-de-denazify Ukraine" x3 repeat
What does the ruskie say?🎶
Suka Suka Suka Suka Suka blyat!🎶 x3 repeat
What does the Rusko Say?🎶
бросание Молотова🎶
(brosaniye Molotova)🎶
(molotov throwing)🎶
What does the Ruzzie say?🎶
uuuuuuuuf! x2 repeat🎶
What does the Russian say?
The facts about the Ruzzies🎶
They in for the meat grinder somewhere in the Kharkiv oblast🎶
They are very rapey, they never have the freedom of speech🎶
Gets thrown in jail for criticizing Jews and hauled to the gulags🎶
Russia is so impoverished!!🎶
It's the top one of the countries with the highest human trafficking victims🎶
Too much Jew porn!🎶
They are controlled and owned by the Jewish Chabad-Lubavitch mafia maggots🎶
Putin is the filthy crypto Jew🎶