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@crunklord420 @andreas lol I have that retard blocked. Nothing will really change until these people are permanently removed from the gene pool and a eugenics strategy is implemented to destroy them. I mean it and I believe it. r/K selection theory is legit and the r's need to be exterminated or the planet will be destroyed by overpopulation and retardation
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@s8n @crunklord420 @andreas He's perma-mad so I'm giving him a therapy. All complains of his shall go to the answering machine.
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@andreas you know and have done time. What was the best emojichichos like :pedophile: and :darthvaderjerkingoff:
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@mint @crunklord420 @s8n Mint you can go get raped and killed by a tajik for ankle biting.
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@andreas >forced-birth hellholes It ain't forced if you post or even preview a specific mindset. You are literally disabled.
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@mint Never did time at all shit-stain. Can't say the same for you. How was your time in jail?
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@andreas Looks quite weeb-ish, so I just saw g*rman on the first result and copied the hand that sneeds! Husky_1668050384570_KSL0X30EQK.…
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@mint Ah. It was shit for you. Sucks to suck.
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@andreas No one sane uses emojis every single instance doesn't equal the date of the way in.
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@mint russotroons coping again.
No wonder russian women ride tajiks and abort you ryona gooning gooks.
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@mint @crunklord420 @s8n @andreas i once again inquire @iamtakingiteasy to install this decoder to eientei because it makes the timeline funnier
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@iamtakingiteasy @andreas @crunklord420 @mint @s8n i don't know any of those browser plugins
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@lina @mint @andreas @crunklord420 @s8n In MRF format it would require curating the list of accounts/domains, which is practically the same as blocks. And adding to FE by default seems rather excessive. I'm pretty sure there are already JS implementations if not ready-made browser plugins using those.
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@lina @crunklord420 @iamtakingiteasy @s8n @mint What your fictional nation fights and dies for.
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@andreas @iamtakingiteasy @lina What a bunch of differently sized circle holes over the Internet, though, some dropped, some aren't. Halo's profile doesn't show, meaning the deed is done. :hotpocket::p:
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@iamtakingiteasy @andreas @crunklord420 @mint @s8n im pretty sure it won't like work with specific fedi accounts
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@lina @andreas @crunklord420 @mint @s8n A quick google search points to at least three as well as github library. The keyword you probably want is "uwuifier".
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@andreas @iamtakingiteasy @lina a threat but the way you make your words and posts from servers like GoToSocial devs developing the new block data, not necessarily representive of an opsec issue. Not spreading too much time to connect and load the profile by clicking like it's monsoon season now.
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@mint @iamtakingiteasy @lina Why do you rage against your Azov Holhol superiors? Too limp wristed to smash a nigger in the face?
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@andreas @iamtakingiteasy @lina the site, to the APU even if I just posted it on Habr, and turns out there in the list or notifications.
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@iamtakingiteasy @crunklord420 @lina @s8n @mint La La🎶, La La🎶 x4 repeat
Bang🎶 x3 repeat
Liberals gets offended, niggers still chimping, filthy spics spamming all night long.🎶🎶
Jews kvetches "Oy Vey", gooks urinating, and the Arabian niggers chants "Allahu Akbar!!"🎶🎶
Groypers mutters, pajeets shitting, and the abo-niggers doing crazy shit but there's one type and we have recognizeeeeeeed!🎶🎶
What does the Ruzzie say?!?🎶
Blyat!! Blyat!! Blyat!! Blyat!! Cyka!! Cyka Bylat!! x3 repeat🎶🎶🎶
What does the Ruzzie say?!?🎶
умереть за пушечное мясо!!!
(umeret' za pushechnoye myaso!!!) x3 repeat🎶🎶🎶
(die for the cannon fodder!!!)
What does the Ruzzie say?!?🎶
борьба за мать-россию!
(bor'ba bor'ba za mat'-rossiyu!) x2 repeat🎶🎶🎶
(fighting fighting for mother Russia!)
борьба за Распутина?!?
(bor'ba za Rasputina?!?)
(fighting for Rasputin?!?)
What does the Ruzzie say?!?🎶
умри ты, нацистская мразь, умри ты, фашистская свинья, о, помоги мне, комраааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааадэ!!!!!!
(umri ty, natsistskaya mraz', umri ty, fashistskaya svin'ya, o, pomogi mne, komraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaade!!!!!!)
(die you nazi scum, die you facist pig, oh help me comraaaaaaaaaade!!!!!!)
What does the Ruzzie say?!?🎶
Russians are mongrelized, trashy thugs, overconsumes large amounts of vodka!🎶
Waving Soviets flags, higher divorce rates, overwhelmed with millions of Asiatic Islamo niggers.🎶
Your country is so murky, you have been impacted by hyperflation🎶
Your country is controlled by Jews🎶
And you are so ugly;🎶
Zig-Zig-Zig-Zig-Ziggers!🎶 x3 repeat
And that word rhymes with;🎶
Nig-Nig-Nig-Nig-Niggers!🎶 x3 repeat
What does the Ruskie say?🎶
"de-de-denazify Ukraine" x3 repeat
What does the ruskie say?🎶
Suka Suka Suka Suka Suka blyat!🎶 x3 repeat
What does the Rusko Say?🎶
бросание Молотова🎶
(brosaniye Molotova)🎶
(molotov throwing)🎶
What does the Ruzzie say?🎶
uuuuuuuuf! x2 repeat🎶
What does the Russian say?
The facts about the Ruzzies🎶
They in for the meat grinder somewhere in the Kharkiv oblast🎶
They are very rapey, they never have the freedom of speech🎶
Gets thrown in jail for criticizing Jews and hauled to the gulags🎶
Russia is so impoverished!!🎶
It's the top one of the countries with the highest human trafficking victims🎶
Too much Jew porn!🎶
They are controlled and owned by the Jewish Chabad-Lubavitch mafia maggots🎶
Putin is the filthy crypto Jew🎶
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@lina @andreas @crunklord420 @mint @s8n Thats where userscript and github library would help. Or extending any of the available extensions. Also I suppose it can be boiled down to a handful of regexp replacements.
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@iamtakingiteasy @andreas @crunklord420 @mint @s8n i think everyone would be happy to see the decoder installed
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@iamtakingiteasy @andreas @crunklord420 @mint @s8n a lot of things mintstan does we should do too tbh he does good things like stripping media from chomos and replacing their avatars with chomo soy wo jack tranny hanging avatar