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- Embed this notice🤣 Those there maymays are gud
[Part 1 of 3 (I am so sorry; I tried, and I hope you enjoy 🤣 ) ]
>Canaanite woman
Giving someone something that is nothing for you to do--in order to send that someone away--a someone who is pestering the people you are trying to be with--is not welcoming them in.
Notice the difference between how Christ treats the Roman centurion and the Canaanite woman. Both have someone away that needs healing (the centurion, a servant; the Canaanite, a daughter). Yet only one is told "It is not meet to give to the dogs what is meant for the children," while the other (the centurion) is praised instead.
The "what faith" is "what persistence"--of the Canaanite. It's not praise, but eyeroll exasperation.
>Why does birth matter?
You have a mom and a dad from whom you are descended by the flesh. You also are descended from them by the Spirit.
Adam was descended from God by the Spirit as God gave His Spirit to Adam.
Adam was descended from no one by the flesh.
Eve was taken of Adam, so that even she was descended from Adam by the flesh and from Adam by the Spirit (and thus from God by the Spirit).
The Tree of Life is this: Christ, being God, is by the Spirit the root. We are the branches, by the Spirit. The Spirit follows down the flesh, passed by the flesh. This is why God’s covenants are constantly “you and your descendants.”
*This tree* will be saved--which only means not thrown into the lake of fire. This is apart from reward or no reward. This is by grace—by definition, is not earned, cannot be earned.
The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil is that which angels cultivated by "not keeping their first estate" by "going after strange flesh."
The father of this would not be God.
This is the tree that will be cut down and thrown into the lake of fire and be no more.
"I will utter things kept secret since the foundations of the world" is what Christ said before giving the parable speaking of the tares sewn in that *the farmer did not sew*--the tares that would be cut down and are to be thrown into fire on a last day. Christ called the Edomite Pharisees "offspring of vipers", a "bad tree", etc. That imagery is not new imagery, but continuation—purposeful.
>Entertain for a moment the part you are likely to have the most contention with below. The oldest Gen 4:1 examples known differ wildly from one another--and the passages we still keep in every version regardless that immediately follow Gen 4:1 fail to list Cain as a descendant of Adam, instead giving Cain his own "and these are the descendants of Cain" passage, meanwhile saying Seth replaced Abel, rather than replacing Cain:
Cain was not of Adam. He was descended by the flesh by Adam because his mother, Eve, is of the flesh by Adam, but he is descended by spirit from his father, the serpent. This is the seed with whom we have had and will have enmity until the last day. (Entertain the concept, for the moment.)
And so Cain and his descendants, the Kenites, mixed with the Canaanites, who mixed with the Hittites. Esau mixed with the Hittites, and so on. This is the entirety of the distinction between God's different treatment between certain non-Israelites (those of Adam) and certain other non-Israelites (those not of Adam). Just following the genealogies traces the split between His commandments to the Israelites of how to treat others around them, and it's the distinction of Christ's treatment between the centurion and the Canaanite woman.
This is the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, the tares, that continues to grow. God once sent a flood in the land after Adam's descendants kept mixing with even more angels, sparing only Noah "who was righteous and *perfect in his generations.* "