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- Embed this noticeI had no issue with her as a character. It's the forced meme aspect that pissed me off, because it was the post 2007 influx of normies (as I said, I started 2009, but necro-viewing taught me much) that didn't understand the difference.
Cracky-chan was organically the Queen of /b/ because she'd post and the channel went nuts over her. It got so bad the mods had to eventually lock down threads. The spergs were pissing themselves with obsession over her.
Boxxy was a forced meme, trying hard to be "the next Queen of /b/" without understanding what that meant. You can't claim the title. It has to be handed to you by the audience. It points to a larger problem we see in corporate, where they dictate what YOU want, instead of listening to the customer base like they're supposed to. If Boxxy had just come in, posted her vids and pics, more people would have warmed to her.