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- Embed this notice1. Wuhan chynavirus was created in Wuhan, chyna. Fauci and others helped fund it. Strictly designed to widen the wage gap between the rich and the poor; to kill off the old, weak-minded, with lots of money. And to fuck up Trump’s first four years. Also, a perfect test of “how will the world respond to our psyop propaganda machine?”
2. It is not a vaccine. mRNA is not safe for humans. It was FDA “approved” in nine months. Show me a list of the ingredients. I believe Johnson & Johnson was the only true “vaccine” with dead virus in it. Moderna and all the others were cooked up with God knows what.
3. Every single child ever injected with the wuhan chynavax has or is going to have myocarditis. Hundreds of thousands that have died of the jab have plasticized veins due to a coagulating effect from the chynavax. Not to mention the many convulsions on video around the world.
4. Your mask is less effective at providing you healthy, clean oxygen that your body requires. Recycling your fluoridated mouth breath does nothing but introduce an increased amount of carbon dioxide into your system. Then you sneeze and introduce that into your lungs, too. Genius.
5. Six foot social distancing was the stupidest thing, ever.
6. I don’t give a fuck what poison you inject, swallow or brush your dirty ass teeth with. Just don’t force it upon me. Take your flu virus shot, or mRNA, gene-altering jew jab, or double-mask with a face-shield, alone, in the car, like a fucking moron. But do not expect the same person with a functioning brain and healthy immune system to follow your delusional world. If you believe the jab protects you, the rest of us don’t need it nor do we want it.
7. Fuck you, nigger. Stay inside (no sunlight). Social distance (no sharing of germs to maintain a built-up, healthy immune system), wear a mask (get no oxygen, recycle your mouth farts), inject yourself with this experimental drug, and oh yea, no repercussions to the big fat dick pharma industry if you get injured or die. Right, and because of this retarded jew society bulkshit, you cannot see your dying grandparent that are in the hospital. They will die alone cuz COVID-NIGGER-19 🖕🖕🖕
Why the fuck would anyone sign up for this global jew psyop? It has literally been the worst, global plandemic of our 21st century. An utter fucking catastrophe to believe one word of it.