I don't use a VPN. I just download things and hit some APIs and archive stuff, and that's enough for Cloudflair to flag my residential IP address (or maybe it's because I use Libreworld with a user-agent switcher).
This anode looks stupid. One of the article in my backlog is going to be titled "The Only VPN you can Trust is the One You Build Yourself."
I do have a SOCKS5 proxy on one of my dedicated servers and a wireguard endpoint on a VM. I have pretty specific uses for both. At the same time, I realize they're not really private. Any ISP can monitor your VM through the hypervisor (although it's probably less likely this happens vs. paying for some commercial shit-vpn. Which ones are shit-vpns? ALL OF THEM!)
Even with the dedicated server, a warrant or security letter from the nation its hosted in is usually all that's required for the data center to be forced to install hardware monitoring on-behalf of a government. But that's not that likely without specific targeting. However someone selling a VPN/proxy service specifically for privacy, is literally the easiest way to track people, log all their traffic, and defeat their privacy.