@MakBerberovic endorsing incremental change just perpetuates the myth of incremental change. The vote between Biden and Trump is between an ideology of continued quiet genocide vs. loud Nazi themed genocide.
Also, Americans don't know just how bad things are. Most of us are blind and ignorant to anything even remotely political. We are so burned out, disillusioned, and disenfranchised that most of us don't even vote. Life is shit and standing in line isn't going to change it.
If the corrupt, self-serving, bribe-taking, establishment lapdogs want our votes, they need to champion our causes. Otherwise, the general consensus is that politicians and the rich really only exist to fuck is all over, and maybe the Dems will MAYBE throw the poor a bone. MAYBE. Otherwise we will continue to starve, suffer under rotting systems, and hope to make it to retirement.
The other hot button topics are in our minds, for sure, but most of us are treading water, and we know politicians will never help us.
So why waste your vote? Because orange man bad? How about a different boogyman? Voting for a non-establishment is not the same as throwing your vote away. That has always been a lie. It's a lie today. It will always be a lie.
Your vote does not fight anything, it can only give power. The recipient is under no contract to uphold any campaign promises. Give power to people who deserve it, because the ones who don't deserve it will only help themselves.