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something something Maginot line
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@WTFPurpleAlpaca yeah man, they're letting in millions of invaders who have arms. You're gonna be sorry.
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@sickburnbro >Rearming
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@nobullyplz @em @WTFPurpleAlpaca I mean, the polls of "would you fight for your country" seem to say "no" - the young european men are not interested in it.
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@em @WTFPurpleAlpaca @sickburnbro Now you understand the gordian knot of Europe :blobthonkang:
>give Europeans arms
>eventual revolution
>give "Europeans" arms
>eventual revolution inshallah
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@sickburnbro @WTFPurpleAlpaca Do fighting age Europeans feel invested in this? Will they simply conscript the bodies they need?
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@nobullyplz @em @WTFPurpleAlpaca The EU pols simply say "that's just because they don't like nationalism, they will certainly fight for Europe(tm)!"
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@Largo dude, the Maginot lines bunkers are fucking amazing.
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@sickburnbro Ngl, the Finnish War Bunkers are pretty impressive.
Although, keked at the "Baltic Defense Line", Russia would either steam roll it or bypass and demolish Poland (again, kek)
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@BroDrillard @WTFPurpleAlpaca @nobullyplz @em they didn't give it to them though, and that's the part that's galling - they still want white boys to fight their wars.
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They took the countries from whites and gave them to arabs, niggers and jeets. "Why won't whites fight to defend it?!?"