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this is really what it boils down to
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@sickburnbro More and more people agree with this sentiment.
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@NitroDubs yeah. The left assumes they will steamroll trump like BLM, which is certainly not unreasonable, but is a high risk strategy and one which is ignoring key changes between how things are shaping up versus 2016.
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@NitroDubs @DrBtc thats why the whole "team A/B" thing falls apart for me. a so called "team" that was so stupid to notice this doesn't have the capability to contest for power.
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@DrBtc @sickburnbro That’s basically how I see it. Patience has run out.
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It may take some time but the left is going to get hit hard over the extremism and terrorism. People are past the point of trying to appease them like in 2020. The Trump admin was essentially placed into power by team b to take care of this problem. They have ample time with no elections anytime soon.
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@NitroDubs @DrBtc Its the whole "this powerful guy is actually just stupid" thing - my assumption is always that they just have goals that I don't know, or somehow have a very bad source of knowledge; but the latter is still a conceit - why would I, a nobody, have better knowledge than them?
Until substantial proof has accumulated, the irony is, the NYT "look honey I found something all the experts missed" does hold; but it's something you should hold yourself too - not others.
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@monsterislandcolonizer @NitroDubs @DrBtc I feel like when I said this in 2023 I wasn't making some kind of crazy claim about him being a puppet
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@sickburnbro @NitroDubs @DrBtc Biden is an interesting case because it looks like his cabinet kept him cloistered away from almost everyone else. People really did think his cognitive issues were minor until the 2nd debate with Trump. No telling how much of the Biden admin happened because no one was steering the ship.
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@EvilSandmich @NitroDubs @DrBtc the last 4 years have been really bad for the standard GOP - the whole taste people had for being principled losers seemed to evaporate. It seems like maybe COVID did it
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@sickburnbro @NitroDubs @DrBtc It does remind of the right constantly trying resuscitate Reagan until Trump finally killed off such delusions. Team A probably thinks, with good reason, that they're one good piece of propaganda plus a judiciary ruling away from snagging the whole pizza.
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@sickburnbro @EvilSandmich @DrBtc There’s been a lot of radicalization to go around over the last decade, and especially the last 5 years. The very concept that leftists would torch electric cars over the makers politics would have been a fever dream in 2015.
Both parties are more or less unrecognizable compared to then, especially the GOP. Old school politicians of both parties that were true believers in an ideological sense are basically homeless now.
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@NitroDubs @EvilSandmich @DrBtc yeah. It's interesting because you can really tell that with some of the old Democrats still around, like Carville.
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@DrBtc @EvilSandmich @sickburnbro >Who knows if the situation can be fixed at all.
It probably can’t.
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@NitroDubs @DrBtc @EvilSandmich the first thing it being unfixable if a possibility. Once you realize that, it allows you to see people pushing it that way on purpose.
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The aggressive lawfare on Trump and Butler assassination attempt really changed the game. A lot of people who were willing to take that back seat may have gotten a little concerned. Then they killed the ceo of the largest health insurer a month after the election. Things are quickening as time goes on and who knows if the situation can be fixed at all.