Qhile playing Shadow of war, I started to wonder:
What game allows you to commit the most awful yet varried amount of war crimes?
Qhile playing Shadow of war, I started to wonder:
What game allows you to commit the most awful yet varried amount of war crimes?
@LukeAlmighty I feel like after the patent is lifted and people can finally use the Nemesis system to where enemies remember your past actions.
Someone should make a game where you have to make hard moral choices and one of the features of the games is that you're able to commit horrible war crimes and that the game should allow you to do the most fucked things imaginable to such a degree that there's controversy about the game.
I feel like that would be amazing to play.
@Jens_Rasmussen @Mr_NutterButter
In the same way, as you can patent throwing a ball.
@Jens_Rasmussen @Mr_NutterButter
Did I told you, that I hate the law-based society before?
@LukeAlmighty Sim City
@Jens_Rasmussen @LukeAlmighty @Mr_NutterButter you can patent the nemesis system because there is an actual.. system, within software, that they designed.
not saying it's right, but they can, and did, do that. patents last 20 years btw (max).
you can't patent throwing a ball. it'd have to be a device throwing the ball, or the ball itself because of it being a new thing.
@Jens_Rasmussen @LukeAlmighty @Mr_NutterButter if you played really old games that had mini-games during loading screens, and then noticed that disappeared, that is because that was patented by some gay company.
Oh, and the "Loading Bar" was also at one point patented.
Exactly why I was wondering.
Otherwise, I would just slap on Spore for destroying planets and their ecosystems, but that just ain't the same for some reason.
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