san andreas always was a game for niggers and nigger lovers, no matter if you're a wingnat or not. And if you're not bothered by all the nigger culture in SA, then you've been condition to think it's cool, just like the swarms of white people who think rap is cool. It's all cringe
@irie@Witch_Hunter_Siegfired@professionalbigot69 how does it not make sense that you've been conditioned to think that? it's just the mirror image of what you are telling me in this case you'd be conditioned by your "based and redpilled" peers to think what's based and redpilled even if it means casting things you have liked before as cringe just to appease HitlerCunnyGroyperChildRapist1488 on poast
@irie@Witch_Hunter_Siegfired@professionalbigot69 so why can't the same thing happen to someone but with wignat ideologies? if you're not a loser, you need to be conditioned to accept and even like wignat ideologies
If you're not black, you need to be conditioned to accept and even like nigger culture. If you're not black, you reject it, unless you've been conditioned through the cultural environment (entertainment, etc.)
@irie@Witch_Hunter_Siegfired@professionalbigot69 yet only wignats pearlclutch and seethe about "nigger culture" and stop enjoying things they used to enjoy before for the most shallow of reasons normal people just play games regardless of what losers think
That's a claim that you make. Wingnat ideologies (however you define it) is not needed to reject nigger culture.
>normal people just play games regardless of what losers think
And the topic here was that these 'normal people' have been conditioned to accept nigger culture as normal. Probably because they associate thinking with losers lol
@irie@Witch_Hunter_Siegfired@professionalbigot69 >Wingnat ideologies (however you define it) is not needed to reject nigger culture. so why is nobody else rejecting it? just wignat larpers >And the topic here was that these 'normal people' have been conditioned to accept nigger culture as normal. and again, are you not conditioned?
@irie@Witch_Hunter_Siegfired@professionalbigot69 trad christian sphere is very performative, i remember a guy who claimed to be a "saved christian" but then turned out to be a crossdresser and now he's friends with trannies >For a Russian to adore black thugs in America, for example, many things must have gone wrong in his upbringing. what must have gone wrong, amerimutts breaking the soviet union and then infinity amerimutt films and games flooding into russia completely muddying up the culture? i don't think that's an upbringing issue
>so why is nobody else rejecting it? just wignat larpers
you're making the assumption that only Wingnats reject games with niggers. But here I am talking to you, I'm neither a wingnat nor a self-labeled nazi and I reject the negrofication of culture on every level. In fact, you will have a hard time to find in the trad Christian sphere people who worship niggers.
>and again, are you not conditioned?
For one final time, for non-Blacks to like nigger culture some conditioning is necessary, as it is not inherent. For a Russian to adore black thugs in America, for example, many things must have gone wrong in his upbringing. That's a reality, and it happened all over the world a million times. That was the issue of the thread, this degeneration of mainstream culture through normalization of niggers.
No, for you to like your own culture, your own values, your entertainment and art, no conditioning is needed. Culture is an expression of race. By participating in nigger culture you are defiling your race.
@irie@lina@Witch_Hunter_Siegfired@professionalbigot69 Literally Andreas with an anime avatar. Doesn't having one count as conditioning, too, since you ain't a jap? Am I a jew for listening to Infected Mushroom right now?
@irie@Witch_Hunter_Siegfired@professionalbigot69 they are, all of the nigger normalization was done by americans, nobody asked for it and you guys did it anyway, you really don't have a right to complain about it when you brought it upon yourselves
@mint@Witch_Hunter_Siegfired@lina@professionalbigot69 you're implying all cultures are equal, that's a Liberal presupposition. I don't share this belief. Japanese culture is exceptional, extraordinary, you will find no other culture like Japan on earth. The Japanese can be proud of it. Participating in it ennobles people and I will not elaborate why. I can do that while I respect and cherish my own, and Japanese people do the same.
@irie@lina@Witch_Hunter_Siegfired@professionalbigot69 Holy soy. The only thing japan has going that isn't implemented in other ricecel countries are pervert cartoons and obscure electronics. I gotta admit they're pretty good at that, thougheverbeit.
@mint@Witch_Hunter_Siegfired@irie@professionalbigot69 are subposts some sort of coping mechanism? are you like afraid of saying this directly here? you're already getting asspats from the poasties tagged in, why not say it here? what is wrong with you nigga?