@toiletpaper@mrsaturday@Alex@bajax I dont know anything about the truckers except I was told that the guy flying the nazi flag was a government plant to discredit them. the guy showed up, unraveled the flag, posed for photographs, then left.
You mean the Truckers? I dunno. I thought the bouncy castle was kinda based. The grandstanding and infighting by protest `leaders` was nothing new though. But just like every other protest I've been aware/part of, the way the MSM covered it was absolutely backwards compared to the reality on the ground. After seeing that enough times you just realise that the politicians and MSM are 100% lying pieces of shit who have no desire to listen to their constituents (at least those who aren't big corporate lobbyists able to pay bribes).
Ezra Levant (Revel News) was the Canadian equivalent of this, which makes it very ironic that he was so on board with the Truckers protest. In every other protest in history that he's covered he's been first up to vilify the protesters with every smear and trick in the book.
@toiletpaper@Alex@bajax@sun That protest was absolutely stupid, to be fair. They took all of the dumb mistakes January 6th made and repeated them in a more obnoxious fashion, then acted shocked when the mounties doorkicked them.