When your video about concern over algorithm curation and AI probably only became topical to you recently instead of years ago because the algorithm made you think about it and that's why your video says nothing new and ignores everything happening right now that confirms you're right, but in ways that empower people that weaponized algorithms try to suppress and you would find personally objectionable
@lebronjames75 Im being a little cynical because clearly technology connection guy was trying to escape the algorithm since he came to the Fediverse quite a while ago. Or, hes just a giant shitlib and left Twitter when all the other shitlibs started leaving twitter at the same time. coin toss
@Hoss this video also has a weird and subtle aside in the very beginning that I found actually funny. He's talking about google searching for radios and does a really short implication that your ability to query information (in this case, vintage radios I guess?) is at risk in current day.
like seriously my dude did you not hear about le turbo force shill getting simultaneously banned from all media, or coordinated suppression of negative information about biden's crackhead son before a presidential election, some of us already noticed that big tech aggressively controlled what you saw
You know how the algorithm will downrank your video into non-existence if you talk about any no-no topics or say any heckin' problematic words? It'd be nice if all these shitlibs finally bitching about algos had complained about that more back in the day. I want to strangle YouTube executives with my bare hands every time I have to listen to somebody speak in that "algorithm newspeak" brainrot dialect just to keep their content from being thrown into a black hole.
@sun im 6 minutes in and this video topic it has proposed is something i often find myself thinking about, but not in the meta analysis way but the
"this website is really pissing me off, i want content Y but im being served content Z. I dont visit this for content Z!"
twitter for example i WANT to use it for content to aquire but it is actually impossible to curate what i get to see. unless i use my VERY old account which follows a few accounts and has liked almost no posts, that shows 100% things i want. which is really weird. A new account, with more things liked and more things followed, all only in the same vein as my old account (mostly same accounts even), shows maybe only 25% of the content i want to see, the rest is "other undesireable", often being ragebait/politics/wooow look at this amazing russian bear in a zoo or other view-bait-content. I have yet to succeed in breaking into browsing twitter over the course of how many years, and it keeps getting harder.
What the fuck is that?
On youtube its quite similar today, there's the 10% ok reccomendations, 20% old seen-videos recommendations, 20% low-views reccs, and 50% "what the fuck is this shit", no matter how many hundred times i click the "do not show me content like this" on the hundreds of videos
The shorts section of youtube has pissed me off so much ive permanently Element_Hide all shorts website elements from youtube, and i still actively delete those elements whenever they repop up again
They keep putting them in new places and more of them!
Ive been often mad at this type of malicious feed manipulation, but ive rarely (if ever?) thought about the continuing implications of each one of these malicious moves every time i block a new element of the websites. i hope this video comments on this thing i havent thought about.
@lebronjames75 It's not actually too bad of a video and I appreciate that he repeatedly expresses qualifications about his observations, he has humility to understand that he has his own biases.
the only things that turned me off were: not really saying anything new, even he admits this; and, the AI criticism stuff is Reddit-tier and definitely the product of the algorithm which has targeted him with anti-AI slop. Like there is ton of good criticism of AI but he's just repeating the AI-packaged anti-AI talking points for his political demographic
@sun@Hoss that is not at all what he said: he said that irrelevant to this ability existing or not (which he enjoys that it exists), we will choose out of lazyness/easyness to never use this again
@sun don't even have to click the link to know it's technology connections. Gee if only people had been sounding the alarm beforehand about censorship and algorithmic bosses. But nah, I guess the only time archival matters is when someone outside your tribe is power.
@sun@lebronjames75 honestly if you didnt leave twitter in 2016 you dont hate algorithms enough. those who generally lack awareness about how things are pushed, are also vulnerable to things like algorithms and news cycles. and usually bandwagon trends instead of follow their own priorities. doesnt make you a bad person or even unintelligent, but imo not capable of productive commentary on the subject.
@why@lebronjames75 sometimes I am way too critical of people that come to important true realizations late. It should be applauded. but sometimes it's really grating because you know it only happens when they personally get slapped down hard not when it happened to someone else so it just feels self-serving. along with a suspicion that they'll forget about it again when it doesn't affect them again.