> queued to the exact spot where the relevant bit starts, and a screenshot of the rg output.
So you are trying to convey that someone on Youtube made the same joke that someone on a different site made, before it was screenshat and I stole it and reposted it. Is this correct?
@p which part is unclear? I have transcriptions for lots of things so if i remember something is from a show i can regex for whatever i remember and there's the link. I searched "yep" because the file with the most "yeps" was probably the one.
The subject matter is directly related to your four images - the inanity of streaming service names specifically.
A youtube link of the video queued to the exact spot where the relevant bit starts, and a screenshot of the rg output.
@irie Paul Graham said that he could probably be fooled by anyone that looks enough like Zuckerberg, and after that, people that wanted their startups funded started wearing hoodies. I think the names are the same deal.
@judgedread I mean, I get the domain availability thing; it is my industry. I think it's insufficient to explain how stupid names got.
Somewhat less glib, you can see the herd mentality with startups, you can see the names following trends. Right now, the trend is "retarded and fruity" instead of "Take a verb and put the letter R after it". To some extent, even if you're not trying to follow the rest of the herd, startups want their names to sound startup-y (for marketing purposes), and there's a lot of pressure to conform while disrupting (for fundraising purposes). Also, as noted in https://nplusonemag.com/issue-25/on-the-fringe/uncanny-valley/ , there is a serious disease where San Francisco is running high enough levels of "sincerity" that it's actually past normal levels that would allow a diagnosis of toxicity: these names don't sound retarded if you live in the bubble. 05_broke_in_this_trendy_city.mp3
@p There is a pattern to what sort of lousy names are chosen, to be sure. But all the good ones really are taken, and this even predates dot coms as trademarks are held for quite a few, and you can't use those for a related biz.