What do you expect out of a nation that arrested a comedian who trained his dog for a joke and sends police to peoples' homes for social media posts while they refuse to stop sex traffickers who have groomed hundreds (if not thousands) of children for years?
@mkoek@djsumdog@matthew_d_green 1400 raped young girls between 1997 and 2013 in just one city, Rotherham. A social worker named Jayne Senior repeatedly tried to escalate the issue to the police but she was called racist and fired.
@mkoek@djsumdog@matthew_d_green Something was done after 16 years of stonewalling and jailing/punishing people for talking about it, basically only after it got picked up in the foreign media outside of the UK's ability to shut down discussion. So you have a government that ignores serious crime but then punishes people for talking about it. I think these are very relevant to bring up when the government asks for more power to surveil its residents.
@sun@djsumdog@matthew_d_green and then there were official inquiries, trials, and many, many convictions - so claiming nothing was done is a lie, perpetuated by Elon Musk
Except IT'S STILL HAPPENING! It literally has not stopped.
Poppy Coburn recently did an interview talking about this and why it's such a major issue. She and the interviewer are critical of Elon if that's going to be your high horse, but they still don't deny the gravity of what happened and how British people are still very aware it is still happening in many cities:
@djsumdog@matthew_d_green@sun haven’t heard that one before but it’s not really relevant to your false claim that the country, as a whole, refuses to do anything about it, i.e. that they want it to happen
Not voting can pretty powerful, especially if you can get those numbers low. 15% voter turnout often turns into "95%" and then no one has any illusions what type of system they're really living in. I personally don't vote. It's literally the least effective legal action you can possibly take, and it ends with you on a jury duty list.
@djsumdog@matthew_d_green@sendpaws@romin@sun When you listen to the older generations supporting the status quo and talking about the NHS like it's a religion, you quickly realize that UK is too far gone. The younger generation (30 and younger) might not support the status quo, but they are still mostly powerless or disillusioned to the point they don't even bother voting.
@djsumdog@matthew_d_green@mkoek they jailed a much smaller child grooming ring recently, the government will take minor action when it needs to manage its reputation. I believe this one only operated for four years untouched rather than 16, far less girls raped while they looked the other way this time, only like 23 children raped continuously for years until it was useful to do something. they have promoted the trial quite extensively this time, rather than legally coerced journalists into silence like they did during the rotherham trials. the criminals were all white this time.
"Apple can no longer offer Advanced Data Protection (ADP) in the United Kingdom to new users and current UK users will eventually need to disable this security feature. ADP protects iCloud data with end-to-end encryption, which means the data can only be decrypted by the user who owns it, and only on their trusted devices. We are gravely disappointed that the protections provided by ADP will not be available to our customers in the UK given the continuing rise of data breaches and other threats to customer privacy. Enhancing the security of cloud storage with end-to-end encryption is more urgent than ever before. Apple remains committed to offering our users the highest level of security for their personal data and are hopeful that we will be able to do so in the future in the United Kingdom. As we have said many times before, we have never built a backdoor or master key to any of our products or services and we never will.”
@matthew_d_green Can you clarify that first parenthetical note? It sounds like a gaping privacy hole, but maybe you just mean "if using the now-to-be-insecure iCloud backup"?
You can also say, "I am fully aware of the concept of jury nullification and I will discuss it with the entire jury if I'm selected." That worked for a friend of mine.