He got tired of being responsible for running the Internet's anus and took a payday from the feds to free himself from the curse he had been burdened with for nearly half his life.
@Hoss@nerthos i used to write fanfic but i never got that deep into it because i'm bad at writing i mostly stuck to erpign instead (i roleplay being a little boy)
@sun@Tony@DW2@Hoss@nerthos i thought he left in 2021 u think he's just left like, as far as the media knows to get them to shut up or something? shifted to some subsidiary or something maybe or could just retire early who knows
@sun@Tony@DW2@Hoss@nerthos honestly i'm skeptical of the claim he realyl did leave because theres still enough weirdos i think you would have heard something else out of him at a point had he gone somewhere else
If Moot had just held onto the BTC from 4chan pass sales and never sold the site, he probably would've finally turned a profit on it years ago. He'd have eight figure net worth at the very least.
@sun@Tony@DW2@Hoss@nerthos do you think he was in a well enough position to retire early as an expat or something? while he may have moved on from 4chan i dont think those roots are left i doubt he enjoys working
@maija@Tony@DW2@Hoss@nerthos I could legitimately see someone in his situation moving to like, Taiwan or Vietnam and being able to have a normal expat life
@sun@Tony@DW2@Hoss@nerthos yeah and it would be a good idea too. getting recognized is a tiring ordeal he for sure couldn't lay low in america. you always think you can just blend into the big city but no
I don't think any of Hiroshimoot's shady schemes have actually turned him a profit from 4chan, he's floating the whole operation on the checks the glowies cut him.
@Hoss@Tony@DW2@nerthos@sun he definitely paid it off well considering the multiple corporate investors involved in the sale and hiroshimoots plans to farm 4chan in the same was as 2chan (secretely selling user data lol). relatvent article also mentions how hiroshimoot aspires towards latvia, truly heartwarming
IIRC there are multiple examples of the feds submitting 4chan screenshots as evidence without opening an incognito window to get rid of the (yous) revealing their own participation in the thread.
@nerthos@Tony@DW2@Hoss@sun loads, atleast with regards to the sites with notable /pol/ boards. free speech imageboards. i dont think they care about altchans that much as long as they aren't political. sharty is definitely up there
@maija@Tony@DW2@Hoss@sun My thoughts exactly. FBI were retarded enough to out themselves as the main highscore instigators on /pol/ during a trial so who knows how many assets they've dedicated to that.
@maija@Tony@DW2@Hoss@nerthos it was definitely bot activity. also the reason I say it was from inside was because, all kinds of garbage would hang around for days. but if you posted something that annoyed the mods, it was gone in less than a minute. For example, for a while around 2010 there was the "east aryan" meme where people would photoshop k-pop stars into nazi uniforms etc, and the mods would delete those posts in five minutes or less every time. cuck porn stayed up for days
@sun@Tony@DW2@Hoss@nerthos maybe this is schizo but i think its been largely ai for a long time and its a mix of feds and hiroshimoot emulating activity. the spam bots are very clearly rampant
4chan as a whole is really shitty now. I'm just mad the ylyl threads are gone and half of the pretty girl threads are just femboys now. It's literally all just gay porn.
Some of the rekt threads are still pretty good, but I never went deep into any of the other message boards so idk.
@Tony@maija@DW2@Hoss@nerthos my theory is that /pol/ was formulated as a containment board and they implemented automated tools to try to prevent actual organization there.