We are 100% going to sue the hospital and all those involved. Just sucks to have to deal with it and the trauma me and my entire family have suffered because of it
Oh I didn't know Tyler talked about it. Yeah it was incredibly traumatizing for me to discharged from the hospital without pain medication, my newborn son held hostage, and a wicked social worker coming into the hospital room to interrogate me and insinuate all sorts of terrible things. I honestly can't wrap my head around it.
We had a few stressful things come up and I've been struggling with my healing. Lots of nerve and muscle pain. I also had an allergic reaction to all of the adhesive used in the C-section, so just healing from that too. Fourth C-section so it's a more difficult recovery. But I'm so thankful baby boy is such a little angel 💓
I heard about the craziness with fake abuse accusations and all but I’m also sorry you had to go through all of this suffering on top. looks like God blessed you with such a sweet little boy to ease some of the misery
you’ve been in my prayers but you are even more now 🙏🙏
It absolutely is your right. Keep in mind these people love to lord their authority over anyone they think they can. If I were you my first step would be filling a formal complaint against the hospital. The administration may fire them. If that doesn't work complain to the state nursing board and they will likely investigate.
Whatever you choose to do it sounds like you were in the right here. Don't let them get away without answering for this.
When my youngest was about a year old he was very sick and had a seizure. The ambulance took him to a hospital that was further away because the er doctor at the closer facility recommended they not come there. This was an emtala violation. That doctor was suspended and the hospital paid for the ambulance bill.
Thank you for your advice 🙏🏻 we plan to reach out to lawyers tomorrow and will go from there. One of the hospital admins escorted me out that evening. There was a life flight and she happened to be in the birth center and walked me out and told Tyler she would call him but has yet to.
I'm so sorry about your son, I bet that was really scary. Hopefully everything ended up okay in the end?
Assault is a legally defined thing and what is considered assault will depend on your state. (For example here in WI there is nothing called assault in the law. It's called battery).
Try to find anyone else that was there that might be willing to back you up.
If she can argue that is assault to be told to stop a medical procedure in a calm voice, then we can argue it is assault she kept squeezing blood from our son's foot after being asked repeatedly to stop. As a patient it is our right to stop a procedure at any time per the paper work the hospital gave us 🤷🏻♀️ but I understand what you're saying Frank.
I don't understand these women. Tyler didn't even raise his voice. Literally said "stop, that's enough, give me my son" in a level voice and apparently that is assault. The social worker in the hospital literally tried to tell me it's assault. Absolutely insanity
She lied and manipulated the situation so I would have to be discharged and not have pain medicine 24hrs after my c-section. Repeatedly told me my son would be held in the hospital for 4 days, and kept saying crazy things about men with PTSD. Trying to imply my husband telling a nurse to stop hurting his child is the same as a man with PTSD having a psychotic break.
No the nurses performing the newborn heel prick were roughly manipulating our son's foot, causing his ankle skin to rip and bleed, and they kept missing the blood on the sheet. He was in excessive pain from their incompetence and my husband told them to stop (there was blood all over) and he took his hat off in pleading and they said that was aggressive. Called CPS and police.
It takes absolute scum to do this to a family. Some people just truly are evil. Sorry you guys had to go through that, but I’m glad to hear your baby is happy and healthy. God Bless
@_Seraphim_@madison@ExNihilo One of the posts is missing for me - is this one of those things where they gave you meds with an epidural and then reported you for testing positive for said meds they gave you?
Even if I wanted to scroll up the thread is usually broken.
You're too nice dreamer, you need to do things that will get you blocked. Like share a negative opinion on someone's fetish or post a video of a male deer chasing dos.