@ceo_of_monoeye_dating@Mustard88@RichardKuklinskisIcyGlare@Jewpacabra@jeffcliff I suspect you are correct; it’s why I don’t insult his intelligence - he might actually *be* there. But at the same time, that’s not at all happening where I am, so I cannot simply agree that he’s got a solid grasp of a universal, objective reality there.
You're not wrong that Jeff doesn't have a great idea of what's going on outside of his bubble...but he has no realistic mechanism for rectifying that, and his town really does need the help. Squeaky wheels get grease, and Jeff's squeaking because his town needs grease, big time.
I'd be very shocked if there wasn't some other Jeff Cliff in another rural region just like Saskatchewan, screaming just as loud as he does. There's probably small pockets where COVID is a real issue and we just don't know about it, some sort of response is necessary.
So am I supposed to test myself once a week for the rest of my life? After 2 years worth of test I was done. I went on with my life. Why are you so fearful of COVID? Is your health poor do you have a pre-existing condition like cancer obesity diabetes? Do you not take care of yourself? Do you even exercise diet and take supplements? Anything? Or you just sit and live in fear?
For two years at my job I was tested once a week. After that I got tested three times for antibodies negative. It's not that hard to not catch it. Have high vitamin D3 levels take zinc with quercetin exercise and don't eat Goyslop.
It's just the seasonal sniffles you nincompoop 😏 I've talked to doctors who clued me in on the entire hoax. You probably do jazz hands every time you seen the "front line heros" do an incalculably cringe tiktok video
> The best they could hope for would have been people hiding themselves away, individually.
No. The best they could hope for is what they did with SARS1 - early detection, early response, lockdowns where necessary and contact tracing where lockdowns failed. And a rapidly-deployable vaccine(which we have) was a minor miracle. The best we can hope for, and the ONLY thing that is acceptable is eradication.
You're absolutely wrong about everything 😏 how does it feel to have a dysfunctional brain that doesn't recognize patterns and requires the electric jew to do the thinking for you?
Right 😏 and fauci was pardoned for what exactly? Why were the jewish pharmaceutical companies that produce that crap that isn't even a vaccine granted immunity? Haven't you seen all the video footage of people suddenly dropping dead after the rollout of that crap and being found to have massive clogs in their arteries? You're either severely misinformed and get all your information from state sponsored mainstream propaganda or you're a subversive shill. Mrna gene editing technology that comprises the jew jab is not a vaccine by definition. Pay attention
> Right 😏 and fauci was pardoned for what exactly?
Because everyone with 2 working brain cells, INCLUDING dementia ridden biden understood the first thing Trump was going to do was go after his political rivals, including him.
> Why were the jewish pharmaceutical companies that produce that crap that isn't even a vaccine granted immunity?
It does provide some immunity, and that immunity has saved many, many lives.
> Haven't you seen all the video footage of people suddenly dropping dead after
which started in late 2019 in china, LONG before the vaccine was rolled out.
> You're either severely misinformed and get all your information from state sponsored mainstream
Fuck you. I get most of my information from nazis and shitposters on the fediverse at this point. If I'm misinformed at this point it's because I take people like you at their word too often, and believe antivaxxers too much(has been a mistake I make over and over again). But I actually bother to follow up with what the science actually says.
And incidentally, the if the 'state sponsored mainstream' agreed with me, people like you would be in mass graves.
> propaganda or you're a subversive shill.
Or, just maybe this isn't my first rodeo with antivax ignorance and I've seen everything you could bring up and then some, after spending the past few years doing basically nothing but arguing with covidiots like you on the fediverse pretty much every day
> Mrna gene editing technology
It's not "gene editing" technology. There may be some (random) reverse transcription stuff going on but that overstates what's going on by a lot.
> that comprises the jew jab is not a vaccine by definition.
POP QUIZ to see if you know what you're talking about: does a vaccine have to come from a cow?