@Rocc it's making interactive things, I do also enjoy making physical things with microcontrollers but that involves coding too. maybe I can find another thing like that.
@sun@Rocc Maybe an analog hobby would be refreshing. Something like painting or building scale models of stuff you like (and possibly painting those scale models)
@deutrino@sun I can use your help. And don't feel bad about sub-50-line shell scripts -- add enough of those together and the complexity and challenge will rise to whatever level you deem acceptable to you
@sun I want to make software and/or web apps so bad, and I haven't written a lick of code beyond sub-50-line shell scripts in years :(
for me it's a cognitive chicken-and-egg, I'm not able to work on such tasks in small increments until I've been working on them every day for a long time and thus the context is still fresh, and I can't re-bootstrap into the dev headspace without either a partner for "body doubling," or long blocks of alone time living someplace where I control my sensory input
@sun Obviously it's hard to recreate the high of encountering socrates, nietzsche, @nousnaut or @annsterzinger for the first time -- and it's going to take more effort to really get a reward like that through the written word when you've got a large corpus in your head. But reading is like a muscle - if you're working out every day, it remains easier and the rewards are sweeter with less strenuous effort.
Of course the boundaries between software, reading and math are fuzzy sometimes, but i do think they use different parts of the brain somewhat.
Socializing might be too, I'm not sure.
basically: keep coding, pick up a book once in awhile that is outside of what you would normally read, but be aware that the kinds of things that keep you out of a rut like this are going to be things that involve other people at the end of the day. You only have to socialize or read enough to think of something worth coding of course.
@sun Do you have interests outside of software development? I remember that you did some DOS MIDI shenanigans months ago, so maybe something with music, perhaps old MIDI music? Or maybe some casual drawing.
@jeffcliff@sun my main issue is that I've been stuck for 8 years in environments which suppress my mind's ability to contain that level of complexity, I used to be a bona-fydee software engineer and have a degree in CS (undergrad, but still)
but, I still try to help where I can. currently focusing on helping ne'er-do-wells like me get a leg up. feel free to hit me up whenever, worst I can say is no