I lived in Korea for eight years and speak the language fluently. I think the Koreans are a good, hearty people, and the food is fantastic. The most important thing I learned is, the Western mind and the Korean mind are not compatible for things like marriage and family. Totally alien mindsets to each other. Doesn't work.
Also, I got a really good recipe for bulgogi, from Ouijongbu.
The more I think of asian women beyond their cute faces and sexy bodies, the less I think of them. How ultra-materialistic and status-obsessed they are. How they don't really love men but just see us as disembodied cocks and wallets. How they don't really have an individuality but are all about neatly fitting in to a collective like ants.
Have they been around Asian women for more than a week?😆 Maybe a month if lucky, but I knew a Filipino woman who'd throw hands at her 6'4" green card hubs, lol.
They're not as fat as us, though. I'll give them that.
"East Asians are not Whites. They require a different political system, different laws, and different behavioral expectations. They are shame-based rather than guilt-based.
Once you understand this you begin to understand why they do what they do. It simply is, like solar flares or the tides."
They're obsessed with material wealth and not above stealing if they're guaranteed to not-get-caught: the Shame of getting caught is what prevents the theft, not the internalized Guilt of doing something wrong like stealing.
The pairings are poor with Whites, as the internal motivations are different. BUT, for a young man who just wants to be appreciated for bringing-home-the-bacon, the allure of a woman willing to give him exclusive sex in exchange for him working really hard to make lots of money...
...the comparison for him is a White woman who will argue day-and-night about how she shouldn't have-to, and she doesn't need-to, and why-should-she...
...it's the same deal, but without the guaranteed sex, cooked dinner, clean house, done laundry...
The arguments, though, will all still be there. One will be heavily "Why You No Make More Money" flavored, where the other is "Why Should I Have To Cook" flavored.