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synapsid ('s status on Monday, 13-Jan-2025 03:00:53 JST synapsid
South Korea has some of the major prescriptions against a low birth rate that many boomer rightists talk about- porn is illegal, mandatory military service for all young men, 'HARD WORK' employment culture.
Despite all this, it has the lowest fertility rate in the world. What gives? I thought all we needed to 'save america' was to "kick the zoomer in the ass" and "get young men back to work"?- kuteboiCoder likes this.
- mischievoustomato repeated this.
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Wrath ('s status on Monday, 13-Jan-2025 03:01:59 JST Wrath
@synapsid Feminism.
>'hard work'
That might also play into it. 'Hard work' is only good if it's fruitful and fulfilling, if it actually produces things that will endure. These days it's defined by a slavish willingness and the number in your bank account. There's nothing to be proud of and almost nothing to actually show for it but damage to ones pride and dignity and degradation as a man.
There are a myriad of other factors stacked on top of all of the above.
Overpopulation also has a compounding effect on this behavior (for the K-selected human sub-species). It's not an especially well understood mechanism though.
The reality that most people never consider when looking at these emerging situations is that populations can grow and shrink naturally, sometimes dramatically. The only people this effects negatively, as long as you're able to resist the drug of mass immigration, are corporations and their bottom line. Letting a population shrink ends their infinite growth curve.
And yes, these entities are perfectly willing to sacrifice an entire nation, the entire demographic make up of a country, to marginally improve their bottom line. All in the name of 'GDP' which means literally fucking nothing to 99.99% of people.
Never mind plastics and estrogen mimicking chemical in everything.kuteboiCoder repeated this. -
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Дистругъторул де чори ('s status on Monday, 13-Jan-2025 03:03:37 JST Дистругъторул де чори
@synapsid It would make for an interesting case study how hard feminism has crippled Worst Korea.
Other countries have been hit by feminism as well, and yet the TFR didn't get as low as in WK. Why is that?
Did it Worst Korea get infected earlier? Did men and women take feminism to it's natural extreme conclusion? I'm curious what the answer is. -
Embed this notice's status on Monday, 13-Jan-2025 03:03:37 JST mischievoustomato
@FruitpilledPeachcel @synapsid men in SK hate women. Like the avg woman hating incel in the west is like tame in comparison I've heard
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Aviz :kuruminha_think:?? ('s status on Monday, 13-Jan-2025 03:04:12 JST Aviz :kuruminha_think:??
@synapsid While Liberals think wealth and feeling nice makes you breed less, Conservatives think you need to make people poor and miserable so they have more children.
...and that's politics in liberal democracies pretty much in a nutshell, the Left exist to make you think everything nice you have comes from the things that exist to exterminate you, the Right exist to make you think changing anything would just mean a lot of inescapable suffering for everyone.mischievoustomato repeated this. -
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Griffith ('s status on Monday, 13-Jan-2025 03:04:12 JST Griffith
@Aviz @synapsid Bosnia has about the same birthrate as Japan. And so does Poland. Not only does being poor not help, being trad cath seemingly doesn’t help either.
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Poastal Enthusiast Alpaca ('s status on Monday, 13-Jan-2025 08:55:32 JST Poastal Enthusiast Alpaca
@Eiswald @synapsid Explains Gen-X's ennui despite having had 'comfy' and well-paying jobs. A critical mass of breeders need more than just sitting in commuter traffic to and from sitting in a soulless cubicle doing monkey button mashing work, despite the outward appearance of a good economy.
At the "top" end, proffessions such as engineers and scientists, etc can see the applications of their efforts into tangible results. Their work usually has far more obvious start-middle-end progression and direction. Same goes for blue-collar workers. Even a factory worker at least gets to see the results of their monotonous day of labor, even if it's just a few pallets of product shoved into a truck and driven off into the sunset.
The growth of the "modern economy" had to have some downsides, and one of those is largely a disconnect between the man and meaningful work. SK isn't known for the same work-from-home culture that has sprung up in the West so they can't even sit in their PJs and reply to a few emails and sit paying minimal attention to a pointless Zoom meeting. I imagine most people in SK work in boring pointless seeming jobs just for the sake of "working". Coupled with a "Protestant work ethic" that mistakes effort and time as the important thing over actual productive meaningful results, so they can't "phone it in" like many paper-pushers in the West, and yeah who the fuck has time to try and lock down a ornery sour attitude Feminist after a day of onerous but meaningless labor? Also like most of the developed world, the pay just isn't stretching as far as it used to. Cue "Quiet quitting", or in the Asian context "laying flat".
So work all day at a shit pointless soul-crushing job with no tangible meaningful purpose but to pay bills that are only getting bigger, with pay that increasingly barely covers expenses, much less the apparent expensive requirements to start a family.
As said, the whole system--whether it's true or not--SIGNALS over-population. Too many people fighting over too few apparent resources. This would be detrimental even ignoring the poison that is Feminism/"Women's rights". The human races are burned out. We have nothing left to give but corpo-Jew wants more lifeblood.kuteboiCoder likes this. -
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kuteboiCoder ('s status on Monday, 13-Jan-2025 08:55:50 JST kuteboiCoder
good thread. -
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Cliff Secord ('s status on Monday, 13-Jan-2025 11:05:14 JST Cliff Secord
The government can (and should) ban pornography, marijuana and numerous physically harmful pharmaceuticals, but the one problem nobody can immediately fix is the impossibly corrupted mindset of the average woman. Most have a seriously warped idea of what a man should be. So many here in the US are immature, shallow, insecure and horrifically materialistic. Why? Becuase they spent the last 25-plus years poisoning themselves with television programming that promoted reckless consumption, immorality, vice & promiscuity, and right on cue, just as they enter their early to mid-30's some years back, they all flocked en masse to theaters to lap up 50 Shades of Grey like pigs at the trough. Couple this to rampant 24-7 feminist messaging, like all the crap on Lifetime portraying men as condescending, double-crossing and abusive and you have a setup for total generational disaster.
Because of all this JEWISH garbage, you end up with entire generations of women who are wholly unwilling to commit to even the most astute & accomplished of man, let alone respect and honor the sanctity of marriage & family.
Yeah, I'm totally shocked jewry had a hand this too... -
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Bread up, Bro ('s status on Monday, 13-Jan-2025 11:05:14 JST Bread up, Bro
@CliffSecord @synapsid well, they weren't just "poisoning themselves" - most of them were sat down in front of the tv as a "easy nanny" from a young age. -
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Bread up, Bro ('s status on Monday, 13-Jan-2025 11:21:22 JST Bread up, Bro
@WilhelmIII @CliffSecord @synapsid and of course the culture was all "being a single mother is great!" -
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WilhelmIII ('s status on Monday, 13-Jan-2025 11:21:23 JST WilhelmIII
Growing up in the 1970s, I saw I don't know how many women leave their husbands because their lives weren't as interesting as what they saw on the daytime soap operas.
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Cliff Secord ('s status on Monday, 13-Jan-2025 11:21:24 JST Cliff Secord
It was the easy medication prescribed by working parents & after-school day care centers that turned into a hardcore drug addiction over time.
Literally a lifetime of corrosive programming. -
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WilhelmIII ('s status on Monday, 13-Jan-2025 11:25:03 JST WilhelmIII
A number of sit-coms like "One Day at a Time" pushed this line.
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Bread up, Bro ('s status on Monday, 13-Jan-2025 11:25:38 JST Bread up, Bro
@WilhelmIII @CliffSecord @synapsid yes, I've mentioned before, watching a little bit of popular older tv shows can get an idea of what was being pushed as well as what was popular. -
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Bread up, Bro ('s status on Monday, 13-Jan-2025 11:29:02 JST Bread up, Bro
@WilhelmIII @CliffSecord @synapsid Brady Bunch, Partrige Family for example of what they were trying to push -
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Bread up, Bro ('s status on Monday, 13-Jan-2025 11:30:08 JST Bread up, Bro
@WilhelmIII @CliffSecord @synapsid the thing to note is at this point commonly they are widowed as the setup for what is happening, but overall the idea is clear