@Rhodesian_YuKari foxconn is a taiwanese cellphone assembler, they operate mostly in china. india has been on a shopping spree eating up foreign factories. this includes chinese, korean brands and iphones.
this entire thing has been ongoing since covid. where india local gov will start strikes, impose fines and mandate indian "citizens" onto the board of the local subsidary. this is an attempt into swallow the entire foreign company, assets included into becoming some kind of "india owned" thing.
Foxconn isnt stupid and has largely avoided sending their best tooling to india incase india swallows the local branch and starts competing with Foxconn with apple orders.
they are promising to send "taiwanese replacement staff" and lying about it to the indians. they accuse the chinese government of implementing the recall.
the foxconn in india does not make chips, batteries or assemble the board. they mainly CNC phone cases and do last stage assembly to avoid the "made in china" tariffs.
implications? trade war continues with india kneecapping transfer of production by america because they are greedy
@deprecated_ii@Rhodesian_YuKari foxconn actually does assembly for chinese phone brands and most of it is getting to automation. powered by chinese manpower.
foxconn has not been able to use india's cheap labor at all. i think the india pivot just barely cost less money than the tarrifs.
>i believe its the cooling water for the aluminium cnc machines not using purified water They'll 'rebuild' a truck engine outside on a dirty road. Their notion of clean is highly dubious.
>It's only funny until they make a train that runs on shit. Then they'll rule the world. 😏 They'll all stand on the tracks to watch it drive past. :HazeSmug:
@IAMAL_PHARIUS@deprecated_ii@Rhodesian_YuKari the "friendshoring" was DOA the instant India was chosen. If pajeet work and factories had potential they would have been working for 70 years already.
The lesson here is lying and making rackets is easier in software than in hardware
@Rhodesian_YuKari@poa.st@IAMAL_PHARIUS@poa.st what a extremely... Indian thing to do, and it'll go unpunished as well. Chinaman I'm holding you directly responsible for the continued existence of India. And that said, since you're closer as well, what's going on worst korea? the Pokémon infighting as been almost funny to watch
@Flegel@Rhodesian_YuKari Yoonman was at a Buddhist event last year. He was a handed a battery lotus lamp. It went dark. The monk exchanged a lit one with him. The lamp died again. The one he handed the monk lit up.
This is bad yoon yoon, you lost mandate of heaven. Your wife cult is telling you to seize power via a coup before they depose you. Cia has your back.
Does the worst coup ever asked to leave.
Goverment votes 100% positive the coup is illegal and tries to have him arrested. American media runs cover says nothing un should be worried about. China is the one behind the calls for yoons arrest.
Pro yoon retards/jeudochristian cult start protesting in the name of protecting their one true president. Blames china for it, occasionally accosts a chinese tourist.
Fun part here is the police and military who usually listens to zog orders are afraid of getting roped in with yoon if he gets toppled. Half wants to depose him, other half wants him up there long enough to get rid of evidence.